Return of Kings
4 Steps To Forgiving Yourself
We have all met one person who had all the ingredients to lead a successful life: wealth, great background, stable family and quality education, but yet they ended up as… read more
Donald Trump Fails To Appease Left With Executive Order Solving Manufactured “Family Separation” Crisis
Via Breitbart: President Donald Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday to halt the practice of separating illegal immigrant families apprehended at the border, despite questions about its constitutionality. “We’re going… read more
Starbucks Is Closing 150 Stores Two Months After Introducing “Racial Bias” Training
Via Bloomberg: Americans’ long-running joke about a Starbucks on every corner may be nearing its end. The coffee behemoth is retrenching in its home market as it contends with sales… read more
The Biggest Lie Most Men Believe About Testosterone
Are you wondering what it is? The lie that most men believe about testosterone that is being peddled by doctors, trainers, nutritionists, and the mainstream media alike? I’ll give you a… read more
PUA Author Neil Strauss Finds That Sex Addiction Rehab Doesn’t Work
Neil Strauss is well known as the author of The Game, a book that brought pickup artistry into the public consciousness. It’s a fun read, documenting his rise from AFC… read more
How Feminism Is Causing The Destruction Of Western Society
The following article was sponsored by Awake: The Return Of Men. Like many other impressionable young men, I cheered and supported the gender equality movement. That’s what I was taught…. read more
New Star Wars Film “Solo” Is A Big Improvement From The Previous Grrl Power Edition
Lucasfilms seems to have learned a lesson from the power of Return of Kings’ $4 million boycott. Rising from the ashes of feminist self-immolation, Solo is a man’s film which takes… read more
3 Most Common Manipulation Tactics Women Will Use On You
Last week, I talked about the reasons women manipulate men, how to distinguish manipulation tactics from good behavior, and how to set the tone in terms of reducing the odds… read more
San Francisco Tourists Are Shocked At Aggressive Vagrants, Discarded Needles And Dead Bodies
Via Zero Hedge: San Francisco – a Democratic stronghold known for cable cars, quaint architecture and its diverse culture, has become a bastion of squalor and crime as city dwellers and visitors alike dodge… read more
5 Ways Your Body Reacts While On A Date With A Beautiful Woman
In order to fully appreciate what it is to feel completely comfortable and confident with our masculinity, it would do no harm to appreciate the biological factors underlying the emotions…. read more
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