Return of Kings
Al Sharpton: Prince Harry Marrying Divorcee Megan Markle Proves White Male Supremacy Is Dying
Via Breitbart: The Reverend Al Sharpton has claimed that the Royal Wedding of Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and the mixed-race actress Meghan Markle is evidence that white supremacy is “on its… read more
What Is The Tao?
I’ve previously reviewed Osho’s When The Shoe Fits, but this book may actually serve as a better reading for complete beginners to Tao since it’s more introductory in nature. However, it… read more
The Argument Against Absolute Free Trade
Free trade has undeniably improved the material condition of humans. Lower barriers to trade, along with improved technological efficiency and global supply chains, fuel a robust international economy, and have… read more
9 Methods To Heal A Damaged Back And Keep It Strong
Believe it or not, it is due to a back injury that I discovered Return Of Kings. Being bedridden and with some time on my hands, I was looking up… read more
Become The Self-Sufficient And Self-Assured Man Who Feminists Love To Hate
The latest wave of modern feminism and identity politics has ushered in a new level of intolerance towards men. Mainstream media and our increasingly effeminate culture continue to declare the… read more
Marijuana Makes Men Stupid And Lazy
Legalization of marijuana is a thorny topic. Acceptance has gone further than it did even during the 1970s. Statewide legalization (Colorado and some others) will prove to be interesting experiments…. read more
I’m Hiring Someone To Copyedit My New Game Book
I’m looking to hire an experienced writer or editor to copyedit my new 149,355-word game book. I would like him to catch the following problems: Typos Grammar and punctuation errors… read more
3 Quick Body Language Fixes That Will Make You Appear More Alpha
When it comes to being alpha, everyone loves to focus on the verbals—what to say, how to say it, and the perfect responses to common quips and tests. But often… read more
Average-Looking British Woman Made $7,000 Per Month As A Prostitute While Working For Senior Politician
The secretary of senior British politician Dominic Raab has been caught selling sex through a sugar daddy website. Although Raab serves as Housing Minister in Theresa May’s cabinet, he is… read more
The Search For Meaning In South Africa’s Kruger Park
Seeing a piece of land preserved from human intervention and exploitation is a gift. Growing up, living in a city and being grinded on daily makes us disconnected from our… read more
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