Return of Kings
8 Things You Should Know About Having Relationships With Chinese Women In China
Last year I went to China to work. Naturally one of the my biggest concerns before going was whether I would be able to get laid. Would Chinese women, I… read more
How To Work Out While Traveling
Traveling is a blast. Seeing faraway lands, making memories, going on adventures and experiencing brand new things. It’s something we could all use some more of. But a common question that comes… read more
20 Memes That Capture The True Nature Of Women
Despite their simplicity, memes have a true power. They are essential tools to spread an opinion and convince a vast audience. They are effective because they are relatable, easily shared… read more
I Lost My Wife Of 35 Years
My wife of 35 years died six days ago after a long illness. I didn’t start out to write this but, when I started writing her eulogy, I found that… read more
Land Is A Source Of Liberty And Masculinity
America clearly suffers from a general cultural and moral decay, as Return of Kings has documented so thoroughly. One source of this decay could be the growing landlessness of many… read more
How To Optimize Your Time
For a couple of years ago I came across Rory Waden’s time management analysis and corresponding lecture. I agreed with some parts, while being critical to other things. Mostly I… read more
Self-Driving Cars Will Destroy Human Freedom
The newest tech trend in Silicon Valley is automated cars. All the big sharks from Silicon Valley are competing between each other in a race where the winner will pioneer… read more
Last Call For Massively Discounted $6 Roosh Head T-Shirts
As I announced last month, I am closing the ROK t-shirt shop by offering massive discounts. Uncle Roosh T-Shirt on sale for only $25 $12 $6 The high quality 100% cotton Uncle Roosh… read more
Gender-Altering Chemical Bisphenol A (BPA) Is Turning More Than Just Frogs Gay
BPA (Bisphenol A) is a cancer-causing chemical in plastics commonly found in water bottles, containers, and in receipts. The University of Exeter tested the urine of 94 teenagers and 86%… read more
How I Successfully De-Toxified My Toxic Masculinity
The three most destructive words a boy can hear growing up are ‘be a man’. Sometimes, we merely hear the exortation ‘man up!’, as some sort of challenge to prepare to fight, or complete… read more
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