Return of Kings
This Diet Coke Commercial Shows Everything That Is Wrong With Society And Women
Take a look at this Diet Coke commercial: I saw it before the previews of a movie last time I took my wife out on a date. The message in… read more
Is Leftism The Carthage Of The Twenty-First Century?
For decades, every time he spoke in public, Roman statesman Cato the Elder would say at least once Carthago delenda est. Carthage must be destroyed! What had started as a… read more
Bill Cosby Found Guilty Of 3 Counts Of Sexual Assault
Via Hollywood Reporter: Bill Cosby has been found guilty of aggravated indecent assault against Andrea Constand in 2004. On Thursday, a Pennsylvania jury returned a verdict after 14 hours of… read more
6 Types Of Filipina Girls You Can Meet In Manila
I have spent more than five years of living, working, traveling and interacting with locals predominantly in Manila. It’s almost self-evident that the types of women (and people in general) we… read more
3 Things You Need To Do To Avoid Aging Into An Old Prune
The following article is sponsored by Wadi Men’s Care. You may not know this, but your skin is the largest organ in your body. Your skin protects your other organs… read more
3 Lessons In Duality And Paradox
The Law of Paradoxical Unity is a major theme in the popular ancient Chinese text known as the Tao Te Ching. It states that the universe, and life, exist in a… read more
Masturbating Comes With More Downsides Than Upsides
I was 15 years old when an older blue pill cousin told me never to masturbate. He cited a verse from the Quran: The believers are those who protect their sexual… read more
Women Use Social Networking To Feel Loved
When the iPhone started gaining popularity, I wrote about how it makes women less capable of love. It puts them on such a thrilling roller coaster ride of attention and… read more
How Cosmopolitan Magazine Profited From Women’s Sexual Fantasies
The manosphere has been writing about women’s unrestrained sexual nature for years. If you include PUA material there’s more than a decade’s worth of writing. But that’s nothing compared to… read more
5 Supplements That Will Boost Your Focus And Mental Energy
The following article is sponsored by Synapse Supplements. As a man, you need to stay energized throughout the day in order to perform your best. Whether you’re in the office,… read more
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