Return of Kings
Unilateral Training Can Help Take Your Strength To The Next Level
Strength is certainly a pretty cool thing to have, isn’t it? “From strength comes all things” and all that. There are certainly many advantages to having the ability to pick… read more
10 Reasons You Should Not Go To Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia, in particular Thailand and the Philippines, are promoted non stop in the manosphere as the place to go for feminine women and a red pilled life far away… read more
How To Change The World
Out of all my podcasts, I’ve received the most amount of comments about The Black Pill, where I state that it’s fruitless to try to change society instead of yourself…. read more
16 Things That Will Happen As America Collapses
Donald Trump bragged about his “smart” missiles launched at Syria to Russia over an unproven allegation of Assad gassing his own people while war mongers like Madman McCain and the… read more
China’s Social Credit System Copies A Video Game To Enact Systemic Totalitarianism
Long ago, I remember playing a game called Final Fantasy 12. It was an role-playing game with great visuals, but one peculiar thing I noticed was a certain obstacle later… read more
Female Journalist Admits She Uses Dating Apps With No Intention Of Dating
Via BBC: How did you start your day? Coffee? Shower? Maybe you woke up early for a workout. I woke up early, too – to do some swiping. Every morning,… read more
Sweden Is Forcing Its Young Boys Into Homosexuality
Remember hearing your local preacher or priest talking about how the city of Sodom and its wicked people digged their own graves at Sunday School? Sweden in a not so… read more
And Then What?
Many men raised in the West are programmed to set ambitious goals for themselves. They spend months or years trying to accomplish a specific goal, thinking that once it happens,… read more
What To Do When A Girl Tries To Make You Jealous
‘The Jealousy Game’ is a game that most women play at some point in a relationship, some more than others. The game works like this: she picks out another man, usually… read more
It’s Time To Debunk The Gender Pay Gap… Again
The Gender Pay Gap myth, despite being debunked numerous times by Forbes, CBS News, the Wall Street Journal, numerous economists, and even feminists, just refuses to die. Oddly, Time magazine… read more
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