Return of Kings
Stop Bashing The Nice Guy
Too many otherwise good men are bashing the nice guy. I am not talking of constructive criticism but of blaming the nice guy as if he was morally evil or… read more
4 Reasons Why You Should Learn CPR
It’s often easy to imagine emergencies as the exclusive domain of first responders, but nothing could be further from the truth. As men it is our duty to be ready… read more
Ben Shapiro Is The Original Tradthot
There’s been plenty of talk about tradthots lately. This long video is particularly entertaining: Tradthots have several characteristics. They preach they value of living a traditional life but do not… read more
Why Money Is Not The Game Cure-All That Many Claim
There is a residual belief among game-denialists (and regular guys) that money trumps everything when one is looking to meet girls, but the picture is much more nuanced. Yes, of… read more
Massive Everything-Must-Go Sale At The ROK T-Shirt Shop
Due to my sister’s death, I need to reduce my work load for the near term, focus on my core business, and simplify my life in general. One of the… read more
The Sanctity Of The United States Constitution
If you are a born or naturalized citizen of the United States, the fact of the matter is that the U.S. Constitution belongs to you. It was conceived for you,… read more
Why You Shouldn’t Have Gay Friends
Despite the fact that ROK being a website for masculine heterosexual men, where women and homosexuals are strongly discouraged to comment, butthurt (not just in the literal sense) gay males… read more
FBI Raids Office Of Donald Trump’s Lawyer To “Investigate” Allegations Of Used-Up Porn Actress
Early in the morning yesterday, special agents of the FBI raided the office of Trump’s lawyer Michael D. Cohen and seized records which contained confidential material between clientele, just like… read more
New German Law Allows Women To See The Salaries Of Their Male Coworkers
One of my friends, who is currently living in Berlin, works as a software programmer for a multinational corporation. He was telling me how his females colleagues can now… read more
We Live In A Deluded Society
I will give children to be their princes [rulers], and babes shall rule over them. The people will be oppressed, every one by another and every one by his neighbor;… read more
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