Return of Kings
47-Year-Old Single Mom Sues Matchmaking Firm For Not Finding Her A Rich Man
Tereza Burki is a London resident from the Netherlands with three children. She wants one more child. Commendably, that goes above the call of duty, though it’s getting pretty late… read more
#MeToo Hero Asia Argento Had Sex With A Minor Who She Groomed From Childhood
Via Page Six: Actress Asia Argento allegedly admitted she did have sex with a 17-year-old former co-star — but claimed he “jumped” her, according to explosive texts published Wednesday. The texts, which TMZ… read more
8 Songs You’ve Never Heard Of That Offer Subtle Red Pills
I look back on songs from years past and find myself, to some amusement, finding little red pills here and there. I have compiled a list of songs that are… read more
3 Myths Believed By Men Who Haven’t Correctly Applied Manosphere Teachings
They say the truth can be a hard pill to swallow; the red pill being a markedly unpleasant one for most. Since the inception of the manosphere and red-pill-awareness, droves… read more
Girl Tricks Hundreds Of Men To Show Up For Tinder Date At The Same Time
Via NY Post: Dozens of dudes showed up to Union Square for Tinder dates on Sunday — only to learn they were all there to meet the same woman, and she… read more
Feminism Is Making It Harder For Feminine Women To Find A Masculine Man
I truly believe that society today is not a good place for masculine men. The #MeToo movement (the outrageous ‘feminism’ excuse that’s used to normalise pretty much everything that is… read more
The Real Reason Women Get Abortions
This isn’t political or religious, but there are red pill implications around every corner when it comes to abortion. This is a fundamental right to human decency. I’m not anti-abortion… read more
Are Leftist Radicals Literally Mutants And Mattoid Freaks?
Have you ever thought of today’s leftists as a modern-day freak show? If so, perhaps you’re onto something. Degeneration theory During the mid-1800s, concern about degeneration began. Many feared an… read more
The Pussification Of Western Society And How To Overcome It
The average man today has slouched shoulders, an expanding waistline, is indecisive, and presents an overall timid nature. He exemplifies the pussification of western society. But what’s causing this? Why… read more
“My Way” Is The Most Masculine Song Ever Created
Over the past couple of years, I’ve been increasingly listening to oldies music. While the messages can be often cheesy and beta, I prefer yesterday’s innocence and naivety compared to… read more
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