Chick-fil-A and conservative militant cluelessness.

Over at Instapundit the linked headline in Stephen Green’s new post reads:  Chick-fil-A Caved to the Wokescolds…OR DID THEY?

Instapundit commenter William T Quick nailed the conservative impulse involved here:

Interesting that whenever a conservative stalwart wobbles off course, there are always “conservatives” immediately coming forward to explain why it’s not really a wobble.

Quick accurately describes the situation.  The headline is from a Stephen Kruiser piece, where Kruiser opens by suggesting that Chic-fil-a has done the nation a great service by cucking to anti Christian SJWs!

America caught a break on Monday, and was able to take the day off from a singular obsession with Impeachment Kabuki Theater. Not a complete break, but enough of one, thanks to Chick-fil-A making a shift in its corporate charitable donation strategy.

Next comes the bizarre meat of Kruiser’s argument, a vague suggestion anything less than full compliance to anti Christian SJW activists is really a bold act of defiance!

Anyone who has been paying any attention knows that just because the Right is unhappy doesn’t mean that the Left is. That’s primarily because they are incapable of not complaining. In the case of LGBTQ issues, however, unless you’ve given up your children for gender reassignment before they’ve reached the age of six, you aren’t doing enough to make them happy.

Kruiser then lectures his readers not to assume that Chic-fil-a did something as serious as capitulating to the SJW mob, before closing by explaining that whatever Chic-fil-a did, it isn’t a big deal:

There are any number of reasons that Chick-fil-A could have for cutting ties with the Salvation Army. We will only know if this was truly a capitulation to the rabid wokesters when we see who the company gives money to going forward…

…While many see this as an important battle in the culture war, I see it as a chicken place I eat at maybe once a year.

The closest Chick-fil-A to me is next to an In-N-Out anyway, and that wins out over chicken every time.

And they’ve still got Bible verses on their drink cups.

This is a textbook case of what I’ve termed conservative militant cluelessness.  It is a bizarre conservative impulse to not only deny reality, but to actively work in the service of SJWs to ensure that others do as well.  The role of conservatives has become muffling any alarm that would otherwise be raised as SJWs annihilate our culture.  This sickness goes far beyond mere inaction in the face of evil, as the impulse is an active one, to prevent any possible action (reaction) by others.


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