Vox Day has a post up today on an article from Lauren Martin at Elite Daily: Ladies, The Smarter You Are, The More Likely You Are To Be Single
The Elite Daily article is truly a target rich environment. Cane Caldo has already covered the true meaning of Easter, so I thought I’d use this piece to host a (belated) manosphere Easter egg hunt. Astute readers should be able to find all of the following, and perhaps several others:
- Hypergamy (see Vox’s post)
- Ugly feminist
- Weak men screwing feminism up
- Sailers Law of Female Journalism
- The Writer
- Women with plenty of time to think about how men should treat them
- Rollo’s chart
- Choosing last is a terrible strategy
I’ve touched on the last item here and here, but Martin describes the fundamental problem for women who select a strategy of allowing other women to choose first:
Unfortunately, for all those women who thought a man would come later, other women capitalized on their youth, snatching up all the boyfriends and husbands while they focused on building their careers.
Women went into college with an intent to come out wives, slowly but steadily snatching up the number of available men for all those women who chose to attack their professional dreams.
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