Christian Red Guards

The piling on against Pastor Saeed Abedini continues, with an article published yesterday by Christian Today*:  Why did Naghmeh Abedini keep her spousal abuse a secret for years? Behavioural experts offer explanation

Since her husband Pastor Saeed Abedini was first imprisoned in Iran back in September 2012, Naghmeh showed no signs of trauma from spousal abuse as she put on a brave face in her effort to secure her husband’s release.

Over three years later, she finally cracked and admitted to supporters through e-mail that her husband had abused her physically, emotionally and sexually.

A husband who is accused is guilty, no matter how absurd the accusation.

…Naghmeh revealed only recently that her husband’s porn addiction and abuse continued despite their limited contacts (Skype and phone calls).

What is fascinating is how quickly the Christian domestic violence movement went completely insane.  Modern Christian culture has swallowed this aspect of radical feminism whole, and there is no one I can see who is currently in a position to moderate it.  Here we have a persecuted pastor being lynched in the Christian media and everyone is terrified of calling it out.  The Christian feminists no longer even try to hide their alignment with radical secular feminists;  the Christian Today article directly quotes secular feminist Lenore Walker, instead of relying on a Christian feminist to repackage the same ideology**.

Lenore Walker, a professor at Nova Southeastern University and founder of the Domestic Violence Institute, also agreed with Holcomb. She even suspects that throughout their marriage, Naghmeh felt that the abuse she experienced at the hands of her husband is acceptable, and it is only now that she realises otherwise.

“Women with strong religious backgrounds often are less likely to believe that violence against them is wrong,” said Walker.

This is not unlike the insanity we are seeing on university campuses where the radicals are in firm control.  Christian domestic violence advocates are to the modern Church what the Red Guards were to Mao’s China.  Something this destructive can’t last forever, but in the meantime it will do immense damage to Christian families around the West.

*Not to be confused with Christianity Today, which broke the original story.
**Christian Today is in turn drawing these quotes from the article by Religion News Service.


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