Fellow blogger Deansdale made an excellent point in the comments section to Driving a stake in the heart of the US marriage strike myth.
I’ll begin with admitting that I have not read the whole post. Usually I applaud thorough research of a topic but this is way too much
I agree.
The proof that there isn’t the kind of widespread marriage strike in the US (which at least until recently has been commonly accepted in the manosphere) is right there in the simple table from census data that I created when investigating an entirely different question in the beginning of July:
I’ve been sharing these startling numbers ever since, but whenever I did I received push-back that it couldn’t possibly be right since The Marriage Project data proved unequivocally that we were in the final stages of a marriage strike.
I can certainly understand the initial push-back. The two data sets at first appear to be entirely at odds. How can both be true? I must have missed something. So I looked into it further and then explained the paradox in my post Marriage Strike?
But even when I had explained it, I continued to get the same push-back except now it was more personal. Instead of offering specific challenges showing where I had gone wrong, it was suggested that I either lacked a grasp of basic math and/or that I was a diabolical math genius who was somehow spinning the data. I realized that this kind of challenge wouldn’t ever totally stop, but I didn’t want to spend the next few months defending my integrity piece meal.
The thing is, there are some really fascinating conversations we can have once we accept that the Marriage Project data doesn’t say what so many of us (including me) originally thought it did. Deansdale continues:
The thing I want to say is this: The change may be small, but it is a fact that more and more “eligible” men are rejecting marriage.
This makes logical sense to me. I can’t prove it with hard data, but it still is an interesting topic of discussion. There is also the fact that something very real is happening with the generation of men and women currently in their twenties.
And of course there is also the very strong case to be made for a remarriage strike, which in my opinion is the powerful force which is most likely to eventually drive the pendulum back. But don’t take my word for it. Use the level of hysteria and denial from some of our more feminist commenters as your gauge of which scenario really threatens the status quo.
One last point. For those of you who are refusing to marry, I’m not denying your existence or equating you with UFO conspiracy theorists. As I’ve said before, we won’t see men banding together against their immediate interests to form a better social bargain longer term. But this doesn’t mean individual men won’t decide that marriage isn’t a risk they want to take. And who can blame such men?
Furthermore, I see the numbers in the table above as a disaster just like many of you likely do. I say this as an advocate of marriage. Men are obviously not being picky, and are marrying women who don’t deserve the honor.
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