A recent article says you can drink as much coffee as you want…
The most recent findings that support coffee as a panacea will make their premiere this December in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Coffee, researchers found, appears to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
When the Harvard School of Public Health visited the Health Professionals Follow-Up cohort in May 2011, it found that coffee’s protective effects extend only to some types of prostate cancer (the most aggressive types, actually). In a separate study of the same population from this past July, they also found a reduced risk of basal cell carcinoma with increased caffeine intake.
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If you’re on a weight-training regimen, it can provide a mild (and legal) doping effect.
Other studies mentioned suggest that your rate for a host of diseases decreases as a result of coffee drinking. It even may relieve pain and depressions.
If you’re already a coffee drinker, there’s no compelling reason to cut back as long as you’re sleep is not being disturbed. There are measurable benefits to coffee drinking that improve your well-being, but they’re small enough that if you’re not already a coffee drinker, you shouldn’t start. I guess I’ll maintain my two cappuccino a day habit.
Read Next:Â Starbucks Is Singlehandedly Destroying Coffee
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