The CBMW has responded in a predictable way to the discussion of drafting women. While the Republican candidates are pandering to women by arguing that women should have the right to register for selective service, the CBMW continues to pretend that the push to put women in combat is not driven by mass feminist rebellion, but by men wanting women to protect them.
This isn’t about protecting women though, this is about false bravado. It is about avoiding saying “no” to women in rebellion while pretending to be courageous. The make believe in the CBMW article starts in the very title: We Will Never Let Our Daughters Die for Us However, even while pretending this is about men forcing women to usurp men’s roles, the authors (including the president of the CBMW) are careful to avoid offending the feminist Christian women who dominate their audience:
We are Holistically Pro-Woman and Cannot Support This
At CBMW, we are completely pro-woman. Unlike a secular, gender-blurring culture, we honor women and view them in the highest regard. As complementarians, we are committed to the biblical truths that men and women are completely equal in dignity, value, worth, and honor; however, men and women are different in role and function.
In their desire to appease the feminists in the audience they stress that women are very good at killing, and when they do kill it is of course a good thing. They are so eager to appease the feminists that they hold up Jael killing Sisera with a tent peg after luring him to sleep as an example of self defense.
This–warfare–is a key arena in which we see differences between the sexes, both in terms of calling and design.
We are not saying that women cannot defend themselves if threatened. Godly women don’t fear Satan and know no limits in their willingness to oppose evil. We know the story of Deborah, and we have heard of Jael’s dexterity with a tent peg.
Having begged the Christian feminists for some room to operate, they get back to blaming cowardly men for wanting their wives and daughters to fight so they don’t have to:
If men do not answer the call, women will have no choice but to fight. This should not be, though. Women shouldn’t have to be in combat, because men should step up and lead the way.
The real cowardice of course is not a movement by men to get women to fight in their place, but a fear by men of saying “no” to women in rebellion. This very fear is what motivates so many Christian conservative men to play a passionate game of make believe whenever the issue of women in the military comes up. This is not only true for the CBMW, but it is also true for Matt Walsh** as it was for Vision Forum.
*H/T Taciturn
**H/T The Question
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