H/T Badger. For those who don’t already know, Athol Kay has spent the last several years helping married couples with his blog Married Man Sex Life. As I’ve said before, he is the king of his topic, and his book is the best introduction I’m aware of to the concept of game for traditional men. While his passion is clearly to help others, along the way he helped his own family as well. In a recent post You Don’t Need Cancer For Permission he announced that he is now able to quit his job:
Anyway… a year ago Jennifer and I were all but filing for bankruptcy and that was even after strip mining my 401k, checking the couch for change and deferring the taxes. If the Primer didn’t sell, we were going to be totally hosed. I seriously love my readers. Seriously, seriously, seriously love my readers. Which means my next news is kind of amazing…
…I’m quitting my day job.
Commenter pdwalker shared what I’m confident is a very common sentiment amongst MMSL readers:
I hope you and the missus makes a mint for what you’ve done for me and my family. I’ve had a fantastic week and it’s all your fault. I hope yours is even better.
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