Conservatives enabling feminism

From the definition of enabling at Wikipedia:

A common example of enabling can be observed in the relationship between the alcoholic/addict and a codependent spouse. The spouse believes incorrectly that he or she is helping the alcoholic by calling into work for them, making excuses that prevent others from holding them accountable, and generally cleaning up the mess that occurs in the wake of their impaired judgment. In reality what the spouse is doing is hurting, not helping.

I think the mind frame of an enabler helps explain why many* conservatives act the way they do.  They see themselves as the responsible ones who have to hold it all together.  Whatever scheme feminists cook up, enabling conservatives find themselves trying to make it somehow work, or at least to minimize the pain experienced by those who follow the scheme.  Ultimately of course the end result is enabling the feminists by making sure their bad ideas don’t result in immediately noticeable consequences.  This also explains the angry conservative response to criticism of their efforts to enact a working form of feminism;  they see themselves as the sane ones who are holding it all together.


See Also:  Greasing the marriage rope.


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