In his post Why Christians Need Game, Dalrock states the case thus:
Christians need game because:
1. Abandoning the biblical frame of marriage kills the attraction wives feel for their husbands. Game will help get some of it back. If you insist on indulging in feminism even a little, you absolutely need to learn and practice game.
2. Game will help you stop rejecting and being ashamed of the Bible when it comes to men and women. Game will help you understand that your wife wants and needs to look up to you. She needs you to lead her and at times overrule her emotions with your strength of will and frame. It will also help you understand that women aren’t the morally superior sex that our foolish culture claims they are.
I was asked if I would like to submit a guest post, and this is it. Many thanks to Dalrock for his graciousness, and to the readers for their long-suffering.
My goal is to show:
1. Game isn’t what you think it is.
2. Game means more than you think it does.
3. Christians don’t need Game.
Some parameters need to be set, so that the discussion can be fruitful. For my definitions I’ve chosen Dalrock’s blog, and Roissy/Chateau/Heartiste’s (henceforth called simply “Roissy”). Dalrock’s blog is a natural choice. This is where the debate is. Most importantly, Dalrock is probably the foremost independent Christian Game blogger.
Likewise, Roissy is the foremost Game blogger, period. His posts have set the tone for the entire field. He has the most development on both the philosophy and practice of Game. While he makes no claim to be the end-all-be-all of Game itself (and wasn’t its beginning) he is the most erudite and referenced prophet of Game. The fact is, we cannot talk about Game without talking about Roissy.
Lastly, I also reference the film “The Matrix” quite a bit. It’s important to understand the movie that introduced the Red Pill concept, to understand the Red Pill movement.
Game Isn’t What You Think It Is
What is Game? Here’s the definition, as I understand it:
Game is the applied science of attraction, most commonly expressed as the art of seduction. It’s based on the supposed evolutionary psychology of human; with a special emphasis on exploiting the condition of hypergamy.
Hypergamy is a philosophy of the condition of women that says, whenever possible, any given woman will choose to mate with the male in her vicinity that is exhibiting the most, and most dominant, sexual traits. Those sexual traits, themselves, are Game.
We don’t find this definition all in one place. It’s been broken-down into bite-sized pieces. Here are the most frequent, most emphasized pieces:
Game is the applied science.
Game is the art of seduction.
Game is exploiting hypergamy.
Game is exhibiting manly sexual traits.
Game is exhibiting the most dominant sexual traits.
We call accepting this truth “Taking the Red Pill”. In fact, we call each of these bits Red Pills. We exhort each other to keep taking the Red Pills. But that’s not how the Red Pill works, is it? You take it once, and you’re out of the Matrix. More on this later.
Like most of you, I’ve eaten all these morsels, and they seemed good to me. But in the gastronomic tract of the mind they’ve been churned back together. Here’s what comes out:
Game is founded on Game, most commonly expressed as Game. It’s based on the supposed evolutionary psychology of humans; with a special emphasis on the concept of Hypergamy.
Hypergamy is a philosophy of the condition of women that says, whenever possible, any given women will choose to mate with the male in her vicinity that is exhibiting the most, and most dominant, Game. Those Game are, themselves, Game.
Now, if that sounds silly to you, here are several definitions from Roissy:
“Game is its own status.”
“Game IS.”
“Biomechanics is God.”
When we remove the tautologies and self-references from the my definition (which I think is very fair, and in keeping with the spirit of Roissy’s more compact ones), all we are left with is the concept of hypergamy. Even that is severely crippled with the lack of evidence that is founded upon the now-very-unstable Game. What we really see is that women want what they want, and that they want more and better, and there seems to be no end to their appetite.
Game Means More Than You Think It Does
You found Game either because you searched for “How to pick-up/meet women”, or because you looked around you, and you saw the wasteland that Feminism has wrought upon Western Civilization. You could sense something wasn’t right, but you couldn’t put a finger on it because you were enveloped in it. Everywhere, more and more news about women breaking down more barriers; more women CEOs, government officials, university students and presidents, reporters, soldiers, and sexy singles. And equally present the news that business is bad, government is atrocious, college is a waste, the news sucks, we can’t win wars anymore, and everyone is divorced.
Why is everything so off? Does anyone else get this bad vibe? We tend to focus on the fact that in the movie, the good guys found Neo first, but they show you that it didn’t have to turn out like that. The agents were immediately on the heels of Neo. What if you asked the Internet: “What is the Matrix?”, and the agents replied?
Cypher is one of the most interesting characters of the movie. He’s outside the Matrix, and he’s knows what is inside it is phony, but he can’t stop fantasizing about the pleasures of the Matrix. Good food and good women are rare in the real world. Life outside the Matrix very much seems dull. Cypher knows one good-looking woman, and she’s hung up on another guy. He spends his free time watching the programs scroll by, building his lust; not focused on the real world and mission, but on what he’s missing out. Cypher sums up his discomfort and displeasure when he says to Neo, “I know what you’re thinking: Why, oh why, didn’t I take the Blue Pill?”
Eventually, his lusts get the better of him, and he starts working for the agents; visiting with them in restaurants among beautiful, fake, people. Ultimately, his lusts lead him to betray his mission, his friends, and even the woman he loves. It’s the most likely fate of the Christian man that follows Game. It’s not the only possible fate, and not the worst. You could get taken over by an agent. (This is what I suspect of Roissy.) Roissy knows the Matrix isn’t real–just as Neo, Morpheus, and Cypher do–but he is intent upon using the Matrix to get pleasure. You can find it here, here, and here. Above all, you can find it in the Sixteen Commandments of Poon. Game writers all work from the point of view that the sensory experience of steak and vagina is so good, that whatever you have to do to get it, you should. And whatever betrayal you have to commit to yourself or others is just effective Game.
This is being in the real world, but taking the Blue Pill.
Christians Don’t Need Game
At its fullest, and most coherent, the Blue Pill of Game says that the source of happiness is found between many women’s legs, and that to get there you must serve their unspoken–and even misunderstood– desires. It says (contradictory on its face!) that you must serve yourself, and to serve yourself you must serve them…right up until they are no more use to you. It’s often said that Game doesn’t pretend to answer what to do with women who the Game-user has no use for; whether by age or behavior unsuitable to the Game-user. This is a lie. It says: Get rid of them. Christians must not do this. The problem the Christian has with Feminists is the problem that Morpheus states to Neo during the–very apt–woman in the red dress test.
“Look around you. What do you see?[…]The very minds of the people we’re trying to save. But until we do they’re a part of that system, and that makes them our enemy.”
We are not free to abuse them, even if they’re sluts. Game, though, demands this. Over and again we read on Roissy, Roosh, and others that we can only develop Game by using it on many women. In addition to the logistical problems for the Christian (much more the husband!), this teaching demonstrates the difficulty in forming a cohesive philosophy of Game. You can’t Game until you’ve Gamed a lot.
Part of the perception problem is that Feminism is so pervasive that any assertive behavior the Game writer puts into his text is considered Game; simple because it’s not outright Feminist. This is what’s so deceptive about Roissy’s Sixteen Commandments: The things that a Christian husband can’t do, are Game; those he can, aren’t! Additionally, all of them focus on either the supremacy of the man applying them, or women’s hypergamy. “You do these things because it will subvert her hypergamy.” “You don’t do these because her hypergamy will be encouraged.” That frame is all wrong for the Christian.
If scripture were relatively silent on male-female relations then maybe a case could be made for it; like engineering. But it’s so far from being silent (It’s concerned with it from cover to cover) that we must view Game as a competitor to scripture. To bring this back to Dalrock’s case, just after his two reasons, he says:
“On the topic of wives being attracted to their husbands, the first thing most Christians need to learn from game is that it really is natural for wives to be attracted to their husbands.”
This isn’t what Game says! It says that it’s natural for wives to be driven by their hypergamous biomechanics to be attracted to the available alpha in their proximity. If Game is true, then a man should NEVER marry. Game writers whole-heartedly agree with that sentiment. If you’re already married, you’re simply meat waiting to be processed by the Feminist machines.
No man can serve two masters. Serving women–that is, Feminism; that is, the Matrix–is what Game is all about. Understand her desires. Fulfill her desires. Reap pleasure from her desires. This is Feminism twisted back on itself. Game attempts to use the Matrix to get in Feminist pants. Christianity means to send Feminism to Hell.
Here’s how scripture describes it in one place: 2 Timothy 3:1-7
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. 2 For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, 4 treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people. 6 For among them are those who creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with sins and led astray by various passions, 7 always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.
Here we have a description of PUAs and Game writers, a command to avoid them, and a very apt description of all the passions a woman is given to; including Feminism, and hypergamy. Scripture says: Avoid such people. For among them are PUAs. You’re not Neo. You’re a potential Cypher, or a potential agent.
What the Christian man must have is a scriptural frame. I want to be clear: The real world is a very dead place. There is death, divorce, and fatherless children all around. Concern for them is what the real Red Pill–the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ crucified–reveals to us. Answering what to do about that is another post.
Finally, I want to ask the readers a question. Let’s assume that I have Game wrong, and that it can be separated from the PUA culture, and its tricks. Let’s assume it’s simply about breaking through the Feminist frame, understanding hypergamy, and adopting a masculine frame. Considering that the Christian man is called to marriage alone for sexual release, and that the world is full of sluts (there aren’t nearly enough virgins to go around), how is Game anything but a round-about method of telling Christian men to Man-Up and Marry These Sluts?
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