The joke’s on him.
Yesterday my wife had an ad pop up on her phone selling women divorce. I wasn’t able to find the online version of the ad, but with some digging found… read more
Deep Strength’s book is now available.
Deep Strength’s much anticipated book is now available! From Deep Strength’s post announcing the book: ———————- Deep Strength ———————- The book is now up on Amazon! The Biblical Masculinity Blueprint:… read more
The unbearable cuteness of complementarianism.
There is a cuteness to complementarianism that I struggle to name, but it is a form of gleefully smug cynicism. I’ll offer two examples in this post. Exhibit A is… read more
A chivalrous view of marriage and divorce.
Pastor Russ Dean* at Baptist News Global asks Why do we continue to label the death of a marriage as a ‘failed marriage’? The United States remains one of the… read more
Any day now she’ll see I’m the man for her!
Stephen Green at Instapundit linked to an article on nearly all house democrats sponsoring a transgender sports bill: HEINLEIN’S CRAZY YEARS (CONT’D): 234 House Democrats, Two Republicans Co-Sponsor Bill Forcing… read more
Chivalry just got even gayer.
Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg cleverly co-opted chivalry in the service of gay marriage (emphasis mine): Buttigieg, in a speech at LGBTQ Victory Fund National Champagne Brunch in Washington, D.C., referenced… read more
April 2019 Ugly Feminist of the Month.
This may or may not become a regular part of the blog, but I present to you the Ugly Feminist candidates for April of 2019. Only two of the entries… read more
Weak men will screw feminism up.
Larry Kummer writes in Sexbots are coming. Society will never be the same. This month’s news about falling rates of sexual activity should remind us about one of the next… read more
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