Merry Christmas
I want to wish everyone a merry Christmas. Also, thanks to everyone who has offered words of encouragement over the year. I’ll leave comments open tomorrow but will probably turn… read more
Gone fishin’
I’ll be out of pocket for a few days so I’m turning on moderation. I’ll be back towards the end of the week. Update: Moderation is now off. read more
Not tired enough to stop.
Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems. –Dalrock’s Law of Feminism Jessica… read more
First she wanted a wedding, then she wanted a divorce.
Her story would be cliché if her now ex husband wasn’t a pirate ghost. From People Magazine Woman Who Married 300-Year-Old Pirate Ghost Announces Their ‘Marriage Is Over’ Eventually, Teague… read more
Must a father teach his son to fix things?
In response to Giving thanks for fathers commenter Oratorian wrote: Coming to this a little late, but does anyone have any insight about how the father-son passing on of masculine roles… read more
Will trans acceptance push women to look more feminine?
In his post The Left pushes America down a slippery slope Larry Kummer contemplates the implications of the latest round of the culture wars with the inclusion of a “transgender… read more
Perversion is love, and love wins.
Deti asked me to clarify what I meant in my last post about complementarian gay activists twisting the idea of repentance and being freed from sin. Instead of framing being… read more
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