Well played.
The Federalist is outraged at blatant Christian legalism when it comes to selecting a spouse: Women Prefer Physically Fit Men With Good Jobs And No Criminal Record Recently, there have… read more
Dreaming of being one of the guys.
Advertisers often sell us aspirational views of ourselves. They sell us our own dreams. One of our greatest collective aspirations is for women to become like men. LaQuinta motels taps… read more
A tour through the twisted psyche of an ugly feminist.
From The Seven Stages of a Woman‘s Scorn: Speaking just for myself, I’m sure I was open-hearted at one point, but I can’t for the life of me remember when… read more
How big was her dick?
The Chicago Tribune has an article about a woman who stabbed a man on a city bus and then followed him (with her knife) when he got off the bus. … read more
Who cares that Misty has a bigger dick than Colleen?
I watched part of the first episode of the new season of Luke Cage the other day. Misty Knight and Colleen Wing were in the lead up to the obligatory… read more
Vashti’s daughters.
3 Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their… read more
What to do when the tingles wane.
In modern Christian theology, the wife’s vagina is God’s messenger. If a woman isn’t sexually attracted to her husband it is a sign of God’s displeasure in her husband. Sheila… read more
The ugly feminist’s greatest fear.
As I wrote back in 2015, Sheila Gregoire is clearly obsessed with sex and deeply conflicted about it. When it comes to sex she and her readers have one foot… read more
Sheila Gregoire has a post about a twitter fight she and another Christian feminist (Julie Anne) had with a complementarian Southern Baptist pastor (Steve Camp). Sheila and Julie Anne were… read more
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