It’s a matter of morality.
World Net Daily has a hilarious article about a man in Argentina who took advantage of the new transgender law to identify as a woman in order to retire five… read more
Sheila will make a man out of you.
Last week I linked to a post by the complementarian group Authentic Manhood in in What was Adam’s Sin? It turns out that this group has hired Sheila Gregoire to… read more
If mama ain’t happy
A few weeks back I quoted a post from Pastor Doug Wilson castigating Christian men for listening to pastors and living by the rule if mama ain’t happy (emphasis mine): When… read more
She’s the boss, you’re a guest.
As I’ve been looking at more of Pastor Doug Wilson’s books I’ve noticed that some time around 2004 (perhaps earlier*) he added a new chapter to his theology of marriage. … read more
Headship tomorrow and headship yesterday, but never headship today.
“The rule is, jam to-morrow and jam yesterday—but never jam to-day.” “It must come sometimes to ‘jam to-day,’” Alice objected. “No, it ca’n’t,” said the Queen. “It’s jam every other… read more
Something must have scared him off.
Huffington Post warns of a “new dating trend” called mosting in This New Dating Trend Is Even Worse Than Ghosting It’s essentially a subcategory of ghosting, said Tracy Moore, the… read more
Riding the security carousel.
Pastor Douglas Wilson explains in Reforming Marriage why women’s sexual sin is different than men’s sexual sin. When dirty men sin it is because they want sex. But when misguided… read more
What was Adam’s sin?
Several readers noted that there is a creation myth for the complementarian weasel word reject passivity. This creation myth is rooted in a twisted version of the real creation story… read more
List of recent posts Larry Kummer has created from our discussion.
Larry Kummer posted a comment with links to the entire series he has created from our discussion on his blog, but since the comment contained multiple links it went into… read more
Now get out there and reject passivity!
Complementarians have the problem of wanting to seem biblically traditional, while avoiding actually being so. The goal is to create something separate from formal feminism/egalitarianism, while avoiding offending feminist sensibilities. … read more
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