Manspreading is about envy, not space.
The BBC has an article up about an ugly feminist receiving “backlash” for her pettiness. Laila Laurel won a “major award” for creating a pair of seats designed to force… read more
Marriage and children were always her priority.
I recently came across a heartbreaking article at National Catholic Register that underlines why all of the books aimed at young Christian women telling them to focus on having fabulous… read more
Out: Servant Leader. In: Servant King!
Ken Harrison, CEO and chairman of Promise Keepers, has a new book out: The Rise of the Servant Kings: What the Bible Says About Being a Man. This is a… read more
A promise not to disrupt the status quo
Ken Harrison, CEO and chairman of Promise Keepers, explains that the collapse of marriage in our feminist age is due to the failings of men in When Men Mess Up, Women… read more
Stripmining can be dangerous.
From She thought she had a date. Then he suggested going to a spa As it turned out, Alan was a sales agent, employed by a company to beguile unsuspecting… read more
Instapundit ran a post yesterday about the controversy the director of the latest movie in the Terminator series is trying to generate around the fact that the movie features a… read more
Sex sells.
Instapundit has a link up to a Bablylon Bee piece about the “pay gap” for women’s soccer. One common refrain in the comments is that women’s soccer has a smaller… read more
Discontentment is both the input and the output of feminism.
Larry Kummer writes in Feminism has given us successful girls and broken girls: Summary: I have two grown boys. The most frequent comment I get from parents who have daughters:… read more
The great caliber debate and the FBI’s reversion to the 9mm.
One common argument is that Game doesn’t exist because its proponents tend to argue on the internet regarding the best way to practice Game. This is nonsense, because all this… read more
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