They’re too traditional to submit to their husbands.
Submitting to the Lord sometimes involves drawing clear boundaries and enacting consequences when a husband sins. –Mary Kassian As I noted the other day, complementarians have a brilliant tactic to… read more
Academics understand that chivalry isn’t Christian
I came across a page on Chivalry and Courtly Love the other day. It appears to be lecture notes from DePaul University, and is dated 1998. What nearly all conservative… read more
“Look what he made me do!” as a murder defense.
Submitting to the Lord sometimes involves drawing clear boundaries and enacting consequences when a husband sins. –Mary Kassian Fox News explains that a wife who shot and killed her husband… read more
Too traditional to be traditional
I’ve created a new category to tag posts: Too traditional to be traditional So far only three posts (aside from this one) are tagged with it, but the thought process… read more
They’re too traditional to stay married.
Rollo kindly shared a New Yorker article that he thought I’d be interested in: A Sociologist of Religion on Protestants, Porn, and the “Purity Industrial Complex” The article is an… read more
Thoughts on conducting a proper manhunt.
Commenter Rachel asked a question a little over a week ago: I have a bunch of teenage daughters. I try to teach them to respect their father and men in… read more
She’s teaching her daughters to play patriarchy chicken.
Anna Lee Beyer at HuffPost writes in How I Am Teaching My Small Daughters To Play Patriarchy Chicken: Imagine me, a grown woman, with a jumping 5-year-old on one hand… read more
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