In the spirit of Godwin’s Law, I present Dalrock’s Law:
The more obvious the fact one is in denial of, the more ridiculous the counterexample (or counterargument) will be.
I can’t be the first to notice this, but it strikes me that we really need a name for this kind of thing. We’ve seen this on this blog, but just yesterday I saw two great examples which are even more ridiculous that the examples/arguments I’ve seen in the comment section here.
Example 1: Catholic Answers Forum thread on the question of why so many Catholics are Living together before marriage.
The OP frames the question:
why do so many couples, catholic and non catholic,,,live together before marriage?
The bible is clear fornication is wrong.
So aren’t people reading their bibles or believing their bibles and what the chatechism teaches?
do they think they are not sinning?
It really annoys me!!!
BlueShadow123 offers the following reasonable enough response:
You know, I bet there is a small percent of people who live together before marriage, but are not having sex.
Now chances are, if you are living together, you are probably doing stuff, but there is no proof that all of them are.
but living together would seem to definitely give the opportunity, which is why it would be a bad idea to live together. Never put yourself in an easy position like that.
But this isn’t a case of Dalrock’s law. Offering a counterexample in context without trying to create a smokescreen around the original issue is something entirely different.
Then Prayer Warrior Ashurie joins the holy fray:
We have to remember that not everyone is Catholic, and also taking away the division of Religion…why assume that they are having sex before marriage while living together? Like what Charlotte said before me, there could be many other reasons why they have moved in together – other from sex.
I pray for those who are falsely accused.
I present to you Dalrock’s Law!
Example 2: A discussion on whether women pay any SMV price by waiting until they are older to get serious about marriage (from the Advice Goddess post I mentioned yesterday). Emphasis in bold is mine:
My mom was 69 when she I took her to a dating agency. Do you know what? I expected her to be in a big pool of other women with only a handful of men to choose from. So I was shocked when I was told that no, it’s actually the other way around.
And the woman at the agency wasn’t kidding. Within six weeks my mom was fixed up with 8 guys. (She chose the first one, but then decided to do a bit of shopping around.) He still calls her everyday at her nursing home, even though he lives a few hours away.
Things don’t conform to this so-called conventional wisdom nearly as often as people think. Really.
It is like they are actively competing for the award!
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