Dating Stanton’s Heroes

Call them what you will, grass widows, marriage challenged mamas, or Stanton’s heroes, the men at University of Man have dating them covered.  Keep in mind that I use the term dating, um, loosely.  If you aren’t interested in this topic or are easily offended, you might want to pass on the rest of this post.

A friend of the faculty who is a single mother herself kicks off the series with her guest lecture You Have to Realize That My Kids Come First!!!

Obviously, there is a huge difference between dating a single mom seriously versus just going for the “pump and dump” or any variation of a short-term lay.  If you are only looking for something short-term, there is no shortage of lonely single mothers looking for a ‘sponsorship” and/or male validation and companionship.  Many women (myself included) go through a period where their self-esteem is at an all-time low and they need male companionship (read: sex) to feel desirable again.

Professor Hale from rival school Rebellion University jumps in and steals the class’ attention with his post My Kids Come First

If you as a single mom are putting your kids first… what are you doing dating? Unless you are specifically looking for a breadwinner/mealticket to provide for your kids financial security, you have no business being out there dating. Doing so and claiming that your kids come first is just demonstrating that you know you are not doing what is right for your kids, but you want other people to think you are a good mom. You aren’t. You are just looking for someone to help fill your empty place… between your legs. Why is that bad? Specifically that is bad because of the number of child molesters and grifters who prey on women just like you. You are putting your kids at greater risk than if you just stay home and watch a movie… with them. If you are looking for a meal ticket, honor demands that you tell your new boyfriend that that is your goal. That is not an evil thing. Many satisfying long term relationships have started on a much smaller foundation.

Now that the prerequisites are out of the way, you are ready for Professor Mentu’s advanced baby mama dating course titled Single Moms are like Motorcycles

My response is basically “No I don’t.” I don’t have to realize anything, do anything, remember anything, respect anything, or acknowledge anything that I don’t want to. Congrats on popping out some other man’s womb turd, but that’s none of my concern unless I choose to make it so.

A bit further down Professor Mentu explains the proper way to ride:

Hot single moms are like motorcycles: exciting, sleek, high-performance and fun to ride, but they can’t stand up on their own. As even the most expensive Harley-Davidson needs a rider or a kickstand to remain upright, so does the single mom need either a rider or a dickstand to keep her from falling over. Without a rider, she may be using your dick, baby daddy’s dick, Uncle Sam’s dick, or a combination of the three – but rest assured she’s not standing on her own. There’s a dickstand somewhere.

Dickstand: A man who props up a single mom while she’s waiting for an Alpha to ride her hard.

Keep in mind that the professor isn’t offering moral advice, he is offering practical advice.  However, offering to play the role of dickstand (the most recent stepping stone on her path of serial monogamy) isn’t any more moral than what the professor advises.  There is no good reason to be a dickstand.

Mentu offers another bit of insight to consider.  While the classic path to unwed motherhood (marry, kids, then divorce) is arguably less moral than the more modern approach, the first category is a safer bet for the alpha rider:

Most divorced single moms do not want to get pregnant again outside of marriage. I will not spend time with a single mom unless she was married when she became pregnant. The ones ok with popping out a bastard child are too risky to be worthy of my time or attention.


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