Disqus Is Shutting Down ROK Comments Effective Friday

Disqus Is Shutting Down ROK Comments Effective Friday

On Monday evening, I received an email from [email protected] stating that they are suspending all Disqus services to Return Of Kings starting on October 20, 2017. Here is the full email:

Hi there,

We wanted to reach out to inform you that your site has been found to be in conflict with the terms of use of Disqus. Because of this, Disqus is unable to offer your site continued discussion services past the end of this week.

Site activity or content that can result in the termination of discussion services include:

– Featuring copyrighted material, which results in DMCA takedown requests.
– Adult-oriented sites containing illegal content which result in abuse complaints, users with inappropriate avatars or behavior visiting other Disqus sites in an unwelcome way, or are otherwise misusing Disqus services.
– Using Disqus on pages that contain hate speech, which violates Disqus’ Terms of Service and results in abuse complaints.

Additional information on these Basic Rules may be found here: https://help.disqus.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1943775-basic-rules-for-disqus-powered-sites

Please be advised that discussion services for the shortname “returnofkings” will be terminated on October 20th, 2017 for one or more of the above reasons.

To help your site prepare for this change, we recommend the following:

Export your comments
Comment exporting is available in the Admin Panel at https://returnofkings.disqus.com/admin/discussions/export/) and will be available until 30 days after termination. More information on exporting is available here: https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/472149
If you have any issues exporting your comments, please let us know by replying to this email.

Sync your comments
If you use WordPress, make sure all Disqus comments are synced back to the native comment platform within WordPress. More information is available here: https://help.disqus.com/customer/portal/articles/663782

Migrate to a new commenting system
Disqus will no longer load on your site after October 20th, 2017. To ensure uninterrupted discussion, we recommend selecting and installing an alternate commenting system prior to the end of the week.

We hope this helps you prepare your site and community for this change. If you have any questions, please let us know by replying to this email.

Thank you for your time and attention,

The Disqus TOS Team

Disqus Is Shutting Down ROK Comments Effective Friday

I replied asking what specific terms were violated but have not yet received a response. I’m guessing we were terminated because of their vague “hate speech” clause, which really means “speech our liberal employees disagree with.” Whatever the real reason, my priority is installing a new commenting platform. Within a day or two, I’ll roll out the first alternative, which will have far less frills than Disqus. Feel free to suggest alternatives in the comments.

San Francisco-based Disqus joins Shopify, Paypal, and numerous ad networks that have terminated their relationship with ROK because of the views it contains. While I’m not surprised that Disqus shut us down, I’m beginning to wonder how Silicon Valley expects to survive if they are so hellbent on censoring anyone who shares a politically incorrect opinion.

Disqus Is Shutting Down ROK Comments Effective Friday

The Silicon Valley lawnmower

If you’re a dissident who doesn’t ever want to vote for someone like Hillary Clinton or raise your wife’s African sons, it may be best not to establish a business relationship with a Silicon Valley company in the first place.

Don’t Miss: Night Of The Digital Knives: Silicon Valley Launches Biggest Internet Censorship Purge In History


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