Does Bottle Service Get You Laid?


The number one question I always get as a VIP Host is, “Can you bring me girls if I get bottle service?” And my answer is always “Yes” with a half-smile. Because I know the truth. Will I bring you the party girls to your table? Absolutely. Will I encourage them to drink as much as possible? Of course. Do I want to make more commission? No shit. Can I get you laid? No.

If you have ADD and want the answer to this article’s question immediately, then unfortunately you’re not in luck. Continue reading if you want the answer to what can be an expensive endeavor leaving you with blue balls, or the night of your life where you wake up with two naked girls in a Vegas suite.

First off, bottle service is expensive. Extremely expensive based on the actual value of the bottle. What you’re actually paying for is two things:

1. Holding Court

You’re paying thousands of dollars in order to have a TABLE with space to sit down and ‘hold court’. I have used the term ‘holding court’ for sometime in regards to bottle service because that is exactly what it is. YOU are the king and your bottle service waitress, who is always smoking hot and generally has nice big fake tits that are perked up and tantalizing you the whole night, is your Queen and the busboys are your servants. I know that you instantly thought “Can I fuck the bottle waitress?” (more on that later).

Does Bottle Service Get You Laid?

Want a condom? Tip the busboy and he’ll give you one. Want the bottle waitress to pour you shots? Ask her. They are yours for the night. All for the ‘cheap’ price of $450 for a bottle of Grey Goose that costs $37 at your local grocery store. The couch and the table are your DOMAIN and depending on the club and how prime the table location is (generally table minimums go up closer to the dj or proximity to the dance floor), it screams one thing over anything: STATUS.

A Piece of Heaven…

Does Bottle Service Get You Laid?

2. Status

Bottle service is in essence, nightclub DHV full tilt. I have pulled girls in dive bars, college bars, shitty nightclubs with no tables, and top clubs in LA, Vegas, Miami and NYC, but the difference in QUALITY has always been higher with bottle service. Now, some of you are screaming at your computer right now cussing me out thinking that I’m just pushing bottle service, however I’m not. I’m telling you cold-hard facts from over a decade in the nightclub world.

I feel more comfortable in a nightclub then in my own bed and I have a California King TemPurpedic,  so calm yourself and listen up, because what I’m going to say is a fucking fact: The HOTTEST girls in clubs are almost ALWAYS put on a table.

What that means is this: hot girls walk up to a nightclub with a big line. The guy or girl who runs the door, instantly lifts the rope and lets them in. We’ve all seen this. Hot girls run the nightclub world. Period. Deal with it. Accept it, or buy a six-pack of beer sit on the couch and watch MTV Guy Code while bitching on Facebook about how women are bitches.

The VIP Hosts are next in line after the door host and will instantly snatch up the girls and lead them to a clients table. I’ve literally seen screaming matches between hosts over who grabs the girls first because they are a commodity. I’m not talking about solid 7′s who we would all fuck and be happy about. I’m talking about the dimes. The 8+, 9′s and 10′s of the world. We all have a different idea of what equates a 10 but you guys know what I’m talking about. That top tier chick. Guess who gets the hottest girls? Generally the baller on table 207 whose poppin bottles of Dom Perignon.

Girls want to have fun. Period.

Fat girls and gorgeous girls. Fat girls may be content with a movie and an extra large tub of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, but hot girls want that extra kick. Girls in their early twenties are all about status in their social media world and to one-up their girlfriends. They are competitive as fuck. Instagram has created little ego monsters among hot girls and I’ve literally heard conversations among little hotties bragging about their pics with a baller dropping thousands on bottles.

Just recently at one of the top most exclusive clubs in LA, a baller dropped $100,000 on ONE bottle of Dom Perignon. No lie. Guess who he left with that night? An A-list actress, who I will not mention the name because I don’t want my ass sued. Point is he had the highest value in the club. Period. He was not a celebrity himself and was of average looks and in his mid-thirties. This goes back to the basics of evolutionary development between men and women. Women want the best provider by nature and in a club world, the guy balling out is ‘proving’ that he can provide for her.

Here’s the flip side: I’ve seen guys spend thousands on bottle service, I’ve put hot party girls on their table and they still go home alone. Did the bottle service hurt their chances? Hell to the motherfucking NO. Their lack of game sabotaged the excellent tool that bottle service is.

Does Bottle Service Get You Laid?

Thirsty Girls Are More Fun

Imagine having good game. You walk in a club and you head to the bar and order a drink. You pull a hot little 7 and take her home for a pounding fuck. Good night right? Sure. Now imagine you walk in a club with good game and have your own space to hold court? It’s like putting Derek Jeter in a little league game.

You cannot DEPEND on bottle service to get you laid, however you can UTILIZE it to get the cream of the crop in the club.

In fact I would suggest if you are a newbie to game that you not get bottle service and focus on working the room and building your club game. Once you have a good chance of walking into a club and pulling and meanwhile have been building your lifestyle in order to afford bottle service give it a shot.

You don’t have to go crazy and charge your emergency credit card up on bottles. Instead grab 2-3 of your guys friends (who have game as well) and go in on two bottles and see the difference. There are clubs in every major city where you can get 2 bottles and after Uncle Sam’s cut and your Bottle Waitress’s tip, will walk out having only spent $1,000. Divide that by 4 guys and for $250 each you got to experience the difference of ‘Holding Court’ in a nightclub. I can honestly say there are very few feelings like standing on a couch and pouring Dom Perignon down the throats of thirsty models while their bright eyes shine up at you as though you are god.

Does Bottle Service Get You Laid?

When I was in college…

I learned the art of stealing drinks. Roosh has written about this as well and it’s a great art to master. I actually took a girl out for a drink once literally not having a dime to my name. She was so sexy and just my type that I thought ‘fuckit I’m going to see what happens’. At this point I had mastered the art of stealing a drink in a bar/nightclub. The challenge to me was how do I pull this off on a ‘date’?

I decided instead of using the “I’m going to the bathroom be right back” line in which I would jack two drinks and return as though I bought them, to include her in our new ‘adventure’. I literally used her as a distraction for patrons to steal their drinks. This was one of my golden moments in Poor Game. As she wiped my seed off her face later that night she said and I quote, “You know when I decided I was going to fuck you?…When we stole our first drinks”.

Any player knows you do not need to buy bottle service to get laid from a nightclub. However, if you want to shoot for the top girls in the club I GUARANTEE that Game + Bottle Service = Hottest Girls giving you attention. Are some gold diggers? Probably. Are they using you? Of course. Are you using them to reach the final result of bending them over your bathroom counter and pounding their pussy into oblivion? Damn right you are. Everyone wins.

Does Bottle Service Get You Laid?

Yes, this does happen in the VIP

The girls get free alcohol and pictures for their Instagram and YOU get nightclub value and hot girls on your lap all night. Unless you’re an absolute retard, it’s an almost guaranteed lay. I’ll put it this way: I have actually fucked girls at my tables (nothing like what a short club dress lifted up slightly and a quick unzip of your pants will do), and have never, I repeat never gotten bottle service and not gotten laid. Am I damn good at picking up girls anyway? Yes. But when I made the investment in bottles the quality went through the roof. I don’t know about you guys, but I want the best in everything in life and that definitely includes the hottest women walking this green earth.

Enjoy this video and thank me later.

Read More: The Easiest Club In The World To Get Laid


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