The Daily Mail ran an article this past summer titled: Talented ten-year-old boy takes the beauty industry by storm with his flawless make-up looks
In our current culture it seems strange to see a young boy (or a man) made up the way young Jack is made up. But the Social Justice Warriors have a plan to make what looks freakish to us today feel entirely normal. The Daily Mail quotes Jake-Jamie Ward:
‘Seeing Jack’s Instagram photo’s have absolutely melted my heart, it so lovely to see a young boy so confident within his own skin.
‘I think it’s an excellent idea to embrace makeup at a young age – it’s creative, it’s fun, it’s art!
‘The #MakeUpIsGenderless campaign was geared towards making these changes – to help create a world whereby future generations can freely grow up being who they personally want to be, therefore seeing movements like these leave me bursting with pride and with a huge sense of hope for the future.’
The conservative impulse is to dismiss this kind of “progressive” gender bending plan as something that doesn’t stand a chance. They will never make it seem normal for a boy to look like that, we tell ourselves. Yet this is surely what conservatives back in the 40s and 50s said to themselves when feminists set out to remove “confining” “gender conforming” limitations for women. What strikes us as freaky today will very likely seem as normal to our children and grandchildren as these women seem to us today. Yet if you could somehow travel back in time to the 40s and 50s and show them what feels perfectly normal to us today, they would be incredulous.
Half of all crossdressing feels perfectly normal to us. It is in fact now a tradition we are quite proud of. Why should we expect the other half to feel any different in a few more decades?
HT Red Pill Latecomer. See also His Eye Makeup Is Way Better Than Yours
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