Dragging your kids throught the meat grinder; practice makes perfect!

Captain Capitalism has a new post titled The Arrogance of Divorcées about a woman named Cherie Bowser who is offering advice on the best way to drag your innocent kids through divorce.  She should know, this is her second go at it.  The double divorcée’s pearls of wisdom are offered in her Yahoo Shine piece Maintaining happy, healthy children during a separation and divorce:

Divorce is never easy the first time around, but learning from your mistakes can make the second divorce a lot less stressful

I don’t know.  Maybe she should have waited until she drug them through a third divorce before lecturing the rest of us on how to be good parents.  This woman clearly lacks initiative;  many women are able to drag their kids through 4 or more divorces without breaking a sweat. Write back when you have some real experience, piker.

Having never done this to my own children, I may not know enough to comment on it.  However my guess is her daughter [redacted] can’t be thrilled that her mom wrote about all of this using her full name, and included a picture of a smiley face [redacted] drew as proof of what a great mom she is.

But a great mom she really is.  Just this January [redacted]’s mom wrote an article titled Mother’s Good Examples Will Pass Down to Children from Generations to Generations.

Yes, I’m afraid mother’s example is very likely to have a lasting generational impact.  This woman’s frivolity is so profound it reaches through time, haunting innocent children who are yet to be born.

In the January piece Ms. Bowser tells us more about herself:

I’m a full-time Mom of 3 girls ages 4, 9 & 13 & 1 step-son age 13. I have a wonderful devoting husband who is a chiropractor in Orange County.

I think I need a shot of Rumple Minze after reading this woman’s work.

If you are reading this [redacted], please know that others know you don’t deserve this.  I know it won’t help, but I’m deeply sorry for what your mother is dragging you and your sisters through for the second time.

Update:  Ms. Bowser appears to have removed her daughter’s name and artwork from the article, so I have redacted her daughter’s name from this post.


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