Duluth worked even better than I expected.

The Miami Herald reports that the woman in the viral video wasn’t arrested or charged.  From Woman smashes husband with laptop on plane, video shows:

The woman was not arrested. According to the report. there was a delay from the time the incident took place to when police were notified and dispatched to the area. A search for her “yielded negative results.”

The husband spoke to authorities and said they were en route from Ecuador back home to L.A. when the argument ensued, but did not want to press charges. He went on to take a later flight. McLemore’s whereabouts are unknown.

The flight attendant and passengers were treated for bumps on their heads. Neither wanted to make a statement.

“If there’s no statement, we are not able to move forward with the case,” a Miami-Dade Police Department spokesman told the Miami Herald.

Note that according to the Miami Herald the police are saying there is nothing they can do because the airline crew failed to call them in a timely manner, and then refused to make a statement to police.  Imagine the outrage if the sexes were reversed and the airline didn’t promptly call the police, declined to make a statement, and the police reviewed the viral video and left it at that.  Every major media outlet in the country would have editorials decrying the proof the case provides that the evil patriarchy is systematically oppressing women.  There would be calls for heads to roll, and the heads of the American Airlines, Miami-Dade PD, and the prosecutors office would all have made self abasing press conferences by now apologizing for not taking domestic violence seriously.  All of the democratic presidential candidates would have expressed outrage on the issue, and very likely President Trump as well.  And the men of National Review would stage a self flagellation parade.

Tellingly, the Miami Herald doesn’t use the terms “abuse” or “domestic violence” anywhere in the article*.  It characterizes the woman smashing her disobedient husband over the head as a blowout fight between a married couple (emphasis mine):

Passengers on an American Airlines flight from Miami to Los Angeles got a front row seat to a blowout fight between a married couple seated in the exit row.

A woman, identified by police as Tiffany McLemore, can be heard yelling expletives at her husband on various videos taken by fellow passengers, and circulating on social media.

According to a police report on Sunday’s incident before taking off from the Miami airport to L.A., McLemore became “enraged” because he was “ignoring” her.

The silence in this case is all the more telling because the woman almost seems like a hoax given how perfectly she acts out the feminist description of men using violence to maintain power and control in a relationship. She is a female version of the stereotypical angry drunk abuser, straight out of central casting.  From USA Today:

According to a police report of the Sunday incident, McLemore and her husband were arguing about McLemore’s drinking. McLemore became “enraged” when her husband was ignoring her and when he got up to walk away, she got his laptop and threw it at him.

She even declares that she’s the man in the relationship (emphasis mine):

In the video, the woman is heard saying: “I wear the f—— nuts, n—–. Watch until we f—— get home.”
The man leaves his seat and escapes up the aisle with the cabin crew, but the woman pursues him, smashing down her laptop over his head.

The cardinal rule of the Duluth paradigm of domestic violence is that you can’t apply the paradigm to women who abuse men.  Obviously American Airlines, Miami-Dade PD, the prosecutors office, and the media are all following this cardinal rule.  The alternative explanation would be that they don’t take domestic violence seriously.

Note also that while she was abusing her husband she was threatening to enlist the police to help her abuse him.  From the Miami Herald article:

“Never come to my house again, n—–!” she shouts in the curse filled rant. “I’ll call the police on you!”

She clearly understood how the process works, which is why she was so unconcerned when the flight crew (apparently falsely) claimed they were going to have her charged for assault.

*Likewise, neither term is used in the stories by Fox News, Business Insider, AOL, The New York Post, or USA Today.


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