Economics of sex

I just found this article on The Washington Times Economy of sex: It’s cheap these days.  It confirms much of what we have been discussing here.  For example, not long ago I speculated that women delaying marriage past their most marriageable years could shift the marriage market power from women to men:

Although plenty of women dabble in sexual-market relationships and then settle down successfully with life partners, he said, many women are “not witnessing marriage happening on the timetables they prefer and expected.”

This is because, as economist Timothy Reickert has found, power shifts away from women as they move toward their 30s, Mr. Regnerus said.

The article also points out that women would benefit from a Sex Cartel as they did before traditional conservative women took the feminist bait and started worrying about the double standard instead of female chastity:

“When women collude to restrict men’s sexual access to women, all women tend to benefit,”…
However, he said, “none of these things are occurring today. Not one. The price of sex is pretty low.”

It turns out you can focus on making sure hookups are fair, or you can look out for marriage minded young women (but you can’t do both).  Sorry marriage minded virgins, traditional conservative women have other priorities.  Maybe you could try your hand at hookups instead?

Since the authors labor under some very outdated paradigms, they tend to misinterpret what is going on.  I found this bit amusing:

Say a young man wants to get to know his girlfriend of two months “more,” he said. If she says no, “then this tells the man, ‘The price is higher than you think.’ And he will have to figure out how high the price is: Does she need more time, more commitment?”

Sex after being a girlfriend for two months?  Women wanting commitment?    Tell that to the fine ladies at Date Me DC!  They are still trying to figure out how to get a guy to call her his girlfriend after two months of sex.  But at least we did away with that insufferable double standard, and women are no longer trapped in commitment.

They also misunderstand why women’s sexual power is high in their twenties and declines as they age into (and past) their 30s.  They think this is solely due to a change in the numbers of men and women in the market:

The sexual market generally has more men than women in it, and rules of supply and demand operate, with the rarer sex wielding more power, Mr. Regnerus said.

If the authors hadn’t fallen asleep during Douchebag Math 101 they would understand that attractive women actually far outnumber attractive men when both are in their teens and 20s.  So they are right for the wrong reason.  Women in their 20s still have the power because they are in their peak years of attractiveness and can pick from attractive men of all ages.


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