soulthirstjc puts on a clinic in Christian feminist reframing in response to Reframing Christian marriage part 2: rebelling wives aren’t to blame for their own rebellion.
Research shows that husbands who do take part in household chores, cleaning. etc. are actually statistically happier, than those who do not. (It could be because they are taking pride in their living space, and because they are creating some really happy wives…which, even in natural, non-christian marriages, has a chain reaction.
She is getting ahead of the class here, because this is a defense of what I called out in the very next post of the Reframing Christian Marriage series, husbands as helpmeets.
However, she quickly returns to the task at hand, reframing the rebellion of wives as the fault of their husbands. soulthirstjc explains that the source of women’s temptation to feminist rebellion is unworthy men, and that men are what causes women to rebel against God and the order He has established (emphasis mine):
Now- I am- as a woman- called to “submit” (I know this. Even most unbelieving women have heard this.. We’ve ALL been hearing this for decades. LOL), It IS very encouraging to me that there are ministries out there that do place responsibility on the husband of LEADING the home in a LOVING manner (Ie. being the ultimate example of Christ). That one thing gains soooo much respect from women- women long to be loved like Christ loved the church (unselfish leadership). I think this one thing can SAVE a wife. And I feel the absence of that is what created the women’s “liberation” in the first place. I don’t feel my love for my husband is contingent on these things (as a believer- it’s called to be beyond that)- But let me tell you- if your husband is constantly totally unloving (calls you names, flips you off, acts superior, etc.)…it can lead a wife to a place of feeling total injustice and naturally wanting to rebel- not just against him, but GOD. Now that’s a dangerous place to be. I can see how having a Christian husband working on his 110% and a wife working on her 110% would greatly improve the marriage. I can’t speak for all women, in general, i think we are wired to respond well to Christ like love- “laying down of ones life (as Christ did)” …in fact- I can have nothing but total admiration and respect for that man (and -that’s- just a natural reaction :-).
I’ve explained previously the problem with responding to a reframe with an intellectual argument. The temptation here is great, but as you can see soulthirstjc quite casually responded to my post explaining how biblical teaching on marriage has been corrupted by effortlessly shoring up the corruption. Remember, the title of the post she is responding to is:
Reframing Christian marriage part 2: rebelling wives aren’t to blame for their own rebellion.
This isn’t an intellectual discussion. If it were, soulthirstjc would have acknowledged and discussed the reframing the post was focused on instead of doing more of the same. In most cases the woman doing the reframing isn’t doing so with clear conscious intent. It is in most cases a thoughtless, automatic act; they merely notice that their rebellious feminist frame has been replaced with Christianity, and instantly set about discarding Christianity and returning to feminist rebellion.
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