Blogger Michele Zipp at Cafe Mom confirms the status marker marriage serves for women in 5 Reasons ‘Boyfriend’ Is the Worst Word for Divorcees:
3. It feels like a demotion. The word “boyfriend” feels juvenile. “Fiance” feels snooty. “Husband” feels accomplished. Anyone can have a boyfriend…
But since marriage ended, you’re back to (shudder) boyfriend. It’s like you’ve been left back when all your friends graduated.
Note the text regarding the “like” button at the bottom of the Cafe Mom pages:
Click “Like” if you’re a single mom — and proud!
The linked Proud Single Moms Facebook page must be enough to make Glenn Stanton’s heart nearly burst! So many heroes in one place.
Another divorcée writes to Slate’s Dear Prudence asking if it is normal that the divorce empowerment hasn’t kicked in yet (emphasis mine):
I divorced my husband of six years this spring, and even though the initial excitement of a new lease on life was exhilarating, I have found actuality to be just dreary and dismal. I fear I am spiraling downward and I have no way to stop it. My friends have given me some support, but I really don’t think they fully understand the depth of my despair. I really don’t know if I am reacting normally to this life change or if I need some help. When I pleasure myself (which unfortunately has been necessary since the split), I always end up in tears because it reinforces how lonely I am. Recently, I have even taken to only shaving one leg so when I lie in bed at night I feel like a man is next to me. Should I expect this sort of reaction even after close to a year of mentally ending my marriage?
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