During the discussion of Worse than fear. Worse than malice. Escoffier offered an outstanding explanation of our modern sense of moral progress. This was worthy of a stand alone post, and Novaseeker has been kind enough to create one for it: Escoffier on Modernity and the Embarrassment of Christians
Nearly everyone today believes in this “arc” at least in a simplified way. The present is believed to be inherently more enlightened that the past. We Don’t Do That Anymore Because We Know Better. And the future will be inevitably more enlightened than the present.
The source of this impression is ultimately perverted or corrupted or mistaken philosophy, but one does not need to have studied philosophy at all to have been affected, even “convinced.”
This, then, is a significant source of the embarrassment. The modern Christian (modern first, Christian second) is embarrassed by the evident conflicts between his nominal faith and his actual, if unconscious, modernity. Modernity trumps. So the offending Scriptures have to be dealt with one way or another…
Follow the link above to Novaseeker’s blog for the full post and discussion.
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