Explaining the compulsion.

Commenter InnocentBystanderBoston asks why feminists are so intent on marking video games as feminine:

I don’t understand why feminist women want to be part of the world of “gaming.” It just doesn’t make much sense to me. Gaming is purely competitive, entirely meritocracy based. There simply is no space for feminists and their reach for government oversite for authority to equalize the arena. Any attempt to do this means that all the other games simply exit that arena and choose another arena.

More to the point, these people are nerds. I know I was when I gamed. Feminists don’t want to be around nerds. All they want is resources provided by the nerds (by way of tax increases) that nerds must pay to government so the feminists can get their life of Julia.

Feminism at its core is envy of men and a desire to usurp their position. It would be difficult to overstate just how deep this feeling is. This isn’t just about the apex fallacy, it is about a deep desire to “be one of the guys”.  Any group of men getting together to create or enjoy anything will result in women wanting in. The only question is which category the women belong to. Some will want to try to experience the manly enjoyment/pride directly, and will take real steps to be (like) one of the guys. These are the ones who tend to defend the male space.  They don’t want it ruined because they want to experience it.  But others (a much larger group) will realize that they can’t actually experience this, and will then set out to stamp out what they can’t have.  The first category inadvertently paves the way for the second, assuming they don’t themselves shift priorities mid stream.

This is Eve’s curse played out over and over again.  If you don’t get this, you can’t really get what motivates feminists, nor why they will forever be miserable.


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