Farewell (for now at least), and thank you.

As you have no doubt noticed, it has been several weeks since I have last posted, and over a month if you don’t count the Merry Christmas post.  I’ve decided that it is time to shut down the blog.  I don’t have a detailed explanation to share as to why I’ve decided this, aside from the fact that I think it is time.  I do want to clarify that:

  1. I haven’t suddenly changed my thinking and decided to embrace chivalry, feminism, etc.
  2. All is well in the Dalrock household, and no one is pressuring me to stop.

I’ve been blogging for just under ten years, and want to thank my readers for their prayers, words of encouragement, and what they have taught me.  I can’t say for certain what the future holds, but at present I don’t have any plans to return.


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