Female Prison Guard Fights Back Against Being Objectified By Becoming A Porn Star

Female Prison Guard Fights Back Against Being Objectified By Becoming A Porn Star

Via The Mirror:

Isabelle Deltore knew she was good at her job as a prison officer, but she still wasn’t completely happy.

She was fed up with the violence and office politics, but there was one thing that bothered her more than anything – the way the male prisoners looked at her.

So she decided it was time for a change and started paving the way for a drastic career move.

“I was constantly being objectified and was like ‘why not make money out of it’?”, she told news.com.au.

Female Prison Guard Fights Back Against Being Objectified By Becoming A Porn Star

She decided to try stripping and immediately fell in love with it, quickly realising she could make more in one night than she did in two weeks at her day job.

Isabelle, who lives in Melbourne, Australia, handed in her notice and hasn’t looked back since.

Since then she’s been on the front of several adult magazines, had her own calender, runs a successful adult website and been named Miss Nude World twice.

She took the sash back in 2015 and she’s now been named the 2018 champion.

Female Prison Guard Fights Back Against Being Objectified By Becoming A Porn Star

She said: “With my current line of work everyone knows what’s on the table. If they want to buy a lap dance, well here are the boundaries, we’re exchanging money for it so it’s very out in the open.


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“Previously I would complain if I had some officer or prisoner make a pass at me. Now I’m much happier and my self-esteem has increased.”

But she claims her experience as a prison guard has helped her when dealing with some difficult customers in her new career.

Female Prison Guard Fights Back Against Being Objectified By Becoming A Porn Star

Would you bang?

During her time in jails she would manage between 20 and 40 inmates so she knows how to be assertive without being aggressive.

Since quitting she claims she’s seen several ex-inmates at her shows, and enjoys seeing them trying to work out where they know her from.

Read the entire article

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