Feminism + Chivalry = Modern Conservative

David Marcus has a new post up at The Federalist demonstrating that modern conservativism is feminism with a chivalrous cherry on top.  From We Must Still Keep Teaching Our Boys They Must Never Hit Girls (emphasis mine):

Several years ago while at a barbecue, an old friend who is a liberal feminist and I were watching my 4-year-old son play with her 4-year-old daughter. Eventually there was some dispute over a water gun that led to shoving. Almost simultaneously my friend cried out “No shrinking violets” to her daughter as I yelled “We don’t hit girls” to my son.

It was an interesting moment, because I realized that my friend was absolutely right to teach her daughter not to back down from confrontations with boys. But I also knew that I was right to tell my son not to push or hit girls. These two ideas are both correct, but feel in some sense at odds with each other.

A few years later, after a girl hit his son, Marcus was forced to revisit the importance of chivalry while again reiterating his commitment to feminism:

But at the same time as establishing this important difference between the sexes, it’s necessary to make it understood in the context of a broader equality. Not hitting girls is not transactional. Boys and men don’t get something in return from women for obeying this rule.

H/T Darwinian Arminian


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