It looks like the following video on Brie Larson made the rounds several months ago, but I only stumbled upon it last week.
The feminist dream has turned into a nightmare. Here she finally is, one of the guys, but instead of being loved she is unlovable. She traded her feminine power for masculine power, and now she has neither. Even worse, she is trapped by her own envy. Being more likable would mean being less feminist, as a feminist at Reddit/Ask Feminists explains:
First of all, I do see that Brie does seem a bit defensive. But I can’t help but feel her defensiveness is justified. Marvel fanbase is predominantly male and I can’t imagine what kind of bs poor Brie reads on a daily basis about herself. Odds are the reason she always wants to ‘win’ or ‘praise herself’ is because she knows damn well she works hard and she wants to be recognised. CoC argues she should let herself be the butt of the joke every once in a while to look humble, but here’s the thing: women are always the butt of the joke, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she just didn’t want to be the butt of the joke anymore now that she’s repping Captain Marvel. It’s easy for someone like Chris Pratt or Hemsworth to do it because they’re already very praised in general. But Brie Larson allowing herself to be the butt of the joke is basically like the poor school nerd just shoving himself into a locker.
Next on, the whole ‘Brie doesn’t smile thing’. Did anyone catch how all of CoC’s example of when she was charismatic was before her Captain Marvel days? That’s not a coincidence.
Larson and the feminists she represents want more than anything to be taken seriously, but the harder she tries to ape men, and the more she stamps her feet and demands to be taken seriously, the less seriously everyone takes her. It is painfully obvious in the video above that she is intensely disliked by her colleagues.
If you compare the clips of young Larson vs feminist Larson included in the video, it looks like she has had her personality, her charm, surgically removed. She looks like a robot, a Stepford feminist. But this is what feminism teaches women to become, as lesbian feminist Abigail Fenton explains in Brie Larson isn’t unlikable. She’s normal.
I was delighted to find I really like Brie Larson. She had me charmed instantly — laughing at my screen at 4am, thinking, yeah, I could be friends with her, as she lamented, “I’m sorry you had to google that. I feel like the Disney execs are super bummed about that,” in response to the question of who plays Captain Marvel.
In fact, I found her so charismatic and endearing that I resolved to finally get around to checking out her work.
Click through to the post to see the picture of a crazy looking woman at the top of the post, hilariously captioned:
No she’s not “unlikable”, she’s a normal woman
This kind of robotic unlikability is inherent to the feminist secret sauce. Remove it from the mix, or even dilute it a little, and feminists will shriek that Larson isn’t keeping it real. She has no choice but to keep it up, and even ramp it up. Keep in mind that Captain Marvel is being positioned as the new leader of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so the unintentional comedy is really just beginning.
Edit: I see that the picture of the obviously deranged woman at the top of the second linked article is of Larson in her recent film Unicorn Store.
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