Earlier this month, an altercation occurred at the House of Commons that the Canadian media did not hesitate to describe as a “mêlée”. During a session, Justin Trudeau brushed female MP Ruth Ellen Brosseau with his elbow, while trying to pull the Conservative Whip through the crowd in order to start the vote. That is it.
The Conservative Whip was trying to regain his seat, as the vote was about to take place. His way was intentionally blocked by members of the opposition (a well known maneuver to slow down the voting process when unfavourable). Premier Justin Trudeau left his seat in order to assist him. He did not see the female PM behind him and pushed her unintentionally.
The “elbowgate”
It is a scene that anyone witnesses on a daily basis in any crowded place.
But there, all hell broke loose. Cries of “misogyny,” “molestation,” and “violence against women” start to fly around. What is a feminist like Trudeau to do in this situation? That’s right: Say sorry many times.
So there goes the weakest beta boy move I have seen Trudeau do. He grovels in apologies. He stammers and sweats. He is not guilty, it is not his fault but it sure does not look like it. Adding insult to injury, he carries on apologizing while the harpies and white knights turn the blade in the wound.
How not to say sorry
He could have done things differently. Leaving the House. Denial. Scoffing. Flipping her the bird. Anything would have been better than this display of utter humiliation. It is the textbook version of how not to apologise. His apology is not accepted, the faux outrage seems real and his enemies are in a stronger position than ever.
Not only did he look fragile and helpless that day, but he kept going in a cringe-worthy display of public humiliation the next day. By god, that man has a severe lack of testicles.

By all the gods, will you stop being such a doormat!

Even that would have been better
The irony of fate
His feminist political image comes back to bite him in the arse. One cannot help but feel the irony. But although I am far from sharing Trudeau’s political views and I am convinced that he is incompetent as a politician, I feel for him as a man. What good can possibly come from such an act of surrender? Let it be a cautionary tale for those who think you can reason with the terrorists of feminism.

Gomeshi and Trudeau, cannibalized by their feminist allies.
Trudeau crystallizes what is missing in today’s men. A severe lack of strength, self-worth and self-respect. Men living in a bubble where they believe that touching someone with their arm by accident is a war crime. How do you expect these people to lead?

Far away are the days when Trudeau had the minerals to challenge a male MP on the ring, even if it was for charity
Who is Ruth Ellen Brosseau?

Standard “problem glasses”. Nothing out of the ordinary
Ruth Ellen Brosseau, 32, that “had to leave the House” because it was “very overwhelming.” She “could not vote because of this.”
A chubby 6 with an almost cute face but no arse, gets hit unintentionally by a skinny man that is probably lighter than her judging by her rump. She probably has rougher sex at least twice a week, and she used to work as a bartender and was probably exposed to drunk men and bar fights.

“That’s how my b-hole looks like now. Thank you, feminism!”
Was her reaction excessive when Trudeau shuffled her? Could she be crying wolf for attention or in order to destabilize her rival over a “violence bait”?
She has a familiar profile
Two years ago, a single mom working as a bartender at Carleton’s Oliver’s Pub shocked herself and everyone else by getting elected as an MP.
Oh, Canada. You so silly. “Vegas girl,” “accidental politician,” “phantom MP”. She has been lampooned for years for her incompetence but if you dare criticize her presence in the House of Commons and her competence as a politician, you must be a cis-gender, sexist frat boy.
The question remains. Can we trust this woman or is she lying? Her lies have been exposed before, regarding her university degree for example, as she dropped out before completing it. What better way to test her integrity and seriousness than to index it on the universal indicator, her level of slutiness? As we know, sluts cannot be trusted.
Place your bets, please
Let’s see how she scores on the slutiness card, using Tuthmosis’ lists of 50 slut tells (1), (2) and her various biographical elements:
1. Has tattoos
Fortunately for her, the national media missed all five of her tattoos, her pierced lip (…) ottawamagazine.com
2. Piercings outside of the traditional earlobe placement Yes. See above
3. Has the “slut face”

It was the House of Commons or camgirl porn
4. Cusses a lot

Watch out, Cicero! A real orator is in da house
She resents the way the media singled her out — “I thought it was shit, real crap,” she said — but accepts it.
Seven words. Two profanities. It was an official public interview between her, an MP, an a journalist that took only a few minutes. Yet she could not refrain from swearing.
5. Not ticklish She is not ticklish indeed. Except when you use your elbows. Then, boy are you in for a treat!
6. Broaches the topic of illegal drugs (even marijuana) without prompting
7. Has big tits

Yes. Even if it is mainly due to body fat.
8. Shows excessive skin for weather conditions No, but she lives in Canada. It could be risky, with all the cold and the rape culture.
9. Has extra body hair (arms, girl-sideburns, girl-mustache) and/or a low speaking voice
Yes. Deep voice.
10. Associates with confirmed sluts
She went to Vegas with a girlfriend to create distance from the ritual her life had become
11. Shows interests in girls, has “hooked up” with girls, or claims to be “bi-sexual.” N/A
12. Is currently, or was at some point, in a sorority N/A
13. Has traveled alone, or with only girls, to fuck-fest locations (e.g., Jamaica)
Vegas. The City of Sin nonetheless. This gem:
She went to Vegas with a girlfriend to create distance from the ritual her life had become: taking care of Logan, her beloved son, a fifth year of living back at home with her parents and working days and nights in a bar, serving drinks
Playing the mum is to hard. Time for a cockfest in Vegas.
14. Was a cheerleader in high school N/A
15. Went, or goes, to a known party college (e.g., Arizona State, USC, UC Santa Barbara)
She dropped from St. Lawrence College before working as a bartender on Carleton University’s campus in Ottawa.

Carleton viewed by its students
16. Lost her virginity on the younger side (15 and down)
The boy is 14. Ruth Ellen Brosseau is 31. Do the maths, she became a mum at 17, an age where you are still a teenager. lapresse.ca
Mum at 17. Child most likely conceived at 16. Lost her virginity before that
17. Likes tequila shots or party drugs (e.g., Extasy/MDMA)
Yes. She was a bartender. That is almost a requirement.
18. Is “friends” with DJs, promoters, or other small-time pseudo-celebs
Yes. And it will only get worse from now on.
19. Is an artist, or a wannabe “model” who has done “photo shoots.”
Now that she is an MP, getting her picture taken is all she does. Apparently, her campaign poster sample photograph was one of her selfies.
20. Broaches the topic of sex first
That is pretty much all she can bring to the table, being a single mom, you go grrrl party wench. So yeah. A man that meets her will have the prospect of a bang advertised early.
21. Has a bad relationship with her father and/or has divorced parents
Yes. Teen mom. Dropped her kid on her parents to slut it up working in bars. Left the child behind to slut it up in Vegas. How would you react as her father?
22. Describes herself as a feminist or with any of its jargon (“pansexual,” “demi-sexual,” “cis-gendered”)

“Happy Woman’s Day!” Letters read “We are feminist politicians!”
23. Has an even, nice tan that she maintains

i am suspicious of your tan
24. Hair dyed a nontraditional color (e.g., blue) N/A
Conclusion: If you ever apologize, do it correctly
Trudeau made one fatal mistake: play by the rules of his foes. But once in a lifetime, there is no other option but to apologise. But there is a way to do it.
Enter Trump and his feminist nemesis Kelly. He has to apologise. And he does it brilliantly. Starts at 6:08. It is all in the formula.
He does not believe a word of it. He uses the fact that he will benefit from this apology more than it would cost him. Using disbelief before that, then two words: “S’cuse me” *cheeky grin*.
Case closed. Tingles on overdrive. Megyn is hooked. She has never smiled like that when interacting with a man on air. You could hear the sploosh from a mile away.
Trump decided to apologize for something that he believed in and knowingly did. Trudeau was forced to apologize for something that he was not guilty of.
Read More: Idiotic Male Feminist Gets Arrested For Protesting ROK Meetup At Wrong Location
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