Feminist territory marking, NFL style.

I’m not a huge football fan, but for the past few years I’ve clicked on a game in October only to be repulsed by the sea of supplication. I don’t know what is more troubling, that NFL management thinks men who watch football will put up with this emasculation of the sport, or that they might be right. Either way, this is clearly a case of feminists realizing that they couldn’t experience manly pride and therefore deciding to extinguish it.

For those not in the US you can get a small sense for the degree of madness here and here.  If you are in the US and haven’t seen this, flip on one of the games this Sunday and you will see what I’m talking about.

Fortunately aside from that of which we do not speak in the Dalrock household, the UFC seems to be holding strong against stage 1 of the standard feminist assault.


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