Feral females in the news.

There is a new study making the headline rounds about 6-9 year old girls wanting to be sexy.  As so often happens the actual name of the study is not mentioned in the news stories and even if it were, the study itself is likely only available via journal subscription.  Still, there are a number of articles about it including the LiveScience article Why 6-Year-Old Girls Want to Be Sexy.  According to the article, the researchers at Knox College showed young girls paper dolls and asked them to:

…choose the doll that: looked like herself, looked how she wanted to look, was the popular girl in school, she wanted to play with.

The “sexy” doll won out as both the doll they wanted to look like (68%) and the one which is in the girl’s opinion more popular (72%).  The LiveScience article includes a picture of two dolls differently dressed, but I’m not sure these are actually examples from the study.  If so, I would say they should use the word “slutty” instead of sexy, since the sexy doll is dressed like a hooker.

Unfortunately the researchers seem to be laboring under a great deal of confusion about our current culture and female sexual nature.  The presumption in the article is that young girls are being driven by the culture to self sexualize.  Given what we know from game and the social revolution driven by feminism, the opposite is much more likely.  Girls are no longer being constrained by the culture, and are reverting to an animal like state.  Feminists have openly worked to remove all cultural constraints from girls and women, and this is what has happened.  Feminists rebelled against the view that women’s chastity is important and that young women should see themselves as preparing for marriage.  Even Traditional Conservatives now passionately defend the trend of delayed marriage.

What else should we expect when words like slut are deemed hateful to all women by feminists and Trad Cons alike, and young women plan on spending a decade or more in the sexual marketplace before beginning to look for a husband?  If the qualities of a wife aren’t important, raw sexuality is how women will compete for the attention of the most desirable men and thereby their status with other women.  Grade school girls are watching and learning from middle school girls, who are learning from high school girls, who are learning from college girls.

How is any of this a mystery?  If we started a movement to remove all social constraints from boys and men and after 50 or 60 years of profound success we found that boys were becoming violent womanizers, would anyone really be surprised?  Why then all of the handwringing that removing all social constraints from girls and women has lead to uncivilized girls and women?

Perhaps most troubling is that the researchers didn’t study the potential impact of fathers:

Starr studied the influence of mothers because there’s more evidence that daughters model themselves after their mothers, but she believes that fathers may also play an important role in how young girls see themselves. She would also like to look at how fathers and the media influence boys’ understanding of sexualized messages and views toward women.

The presence of fathers doesn’t just impact the girls themselves, it impacts the mothers.  A wife who submits herself to her husband is sending her daughter a very different message than a sexually empowered single mother (or soon to be single mother if she doesn’t get her way).


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