Fifty Shades of Grey is hitting cinema screens globally this month. And feminists are fucking scared. At least 100 million people, the vast, vast, vast majority of them women, voted with their feet, eyes, purses, and credit cards and purchased the woefully-written book, which is nonetheless simultaneously a masterpiece of anti-feminism.
Now comes the film, which will only further titillate millions of middle-aged and young women, and underscore the female desire for male assertiveness and their own submission to such masculine control.
SJW’s are unsurprisingly on the move, panicking that their narrative is under attack from not only reason but also the bull-rush footsteps of a usually socially dumbed-down female population. Donations to women’s shelters and “anti-domestic violence” charities have gone up. One Massachusetts college professor, Gail Dines, initiated a “50 dollars not 50 shades” campaign to boycott the film and “inspire” cinema protests.
Her campaign and others like it are gaining huge traction within the SJW zoo. We may feel differently much of the time, but SJW’s are still a fraction of the overall, usually slumbering female masses. This time, though, the numbers are firmly stacked against them. Then what’s the moral of this story? Entrenched, quotidian feminist propaganda cannot reverse the biology of women.
An inconvenient reality
Before Fifty Shades, feminist “discourse” has avoided uncomfortable truths for decades. Female use of the word “slut,” which either rivals or equals its usage by men, is desperately ignored by feminists, lest it destroy their only-men-are-that-sexist argument. A litany of studies showing gender symmetry in domestic violence, the role of life-balance free choice in women working part-time (and therefore explaining why they earn less) and anti-male bias in the family court system are all thrown on the proverbial scrapheap so that they don’t need to be addressed.
Consequently, feminists are in a damaging spiral on this issue. There is no gender equivalence here; women are the ones thronging to see what SJWs call serious sexual abuse and rape culture on screen. If men were doing it en masse, they could call it misogyny. But the delicate leftist creatures dare not label their less uptight cinema-going sisters with the badge of misogyny. It would destroy the whole glass house that these intellectual lightweights inhabit.
Fifty Shades of Grey is the newest example of this hyper-tunnel vision. But unlike dry yet perfectly accurate scientific studies, E. L. James’ flawed pseudo-classic is demanding that women pay attention with its visceral appeal. Despite its literary bankruptcy, including sentences that would make a horny fifteen-year-old boy cringe, the book cuts to the heart of the female sexual identity.
Rape culture and male oppression of women are highly effective fictions used in the western world to vilify men. But in Fifty Shades, Anastasia voluntarily thrusts herself into Christian Grey’s palm. She even tries to pry it open herself, figuratively, just so she can be under his thumb.
There’s no story reminiscent of feminist fear-mongering here. Anastasia doesn’t start an initially placid relationship which becomes twisted with the stereotypical growth of “male abuse” and the exercise of roid rage-like violence against her. Instead, Anastasia signs a “contract” for the BDSM activities. It’s Anastasia who wants this.
Plausible deniability
The plot devices James uses to superficially tone down the raw sexuality of the book series (yes, there are three of them!), such as the injection of Grey’s “vulnerabilities” and Anastasia’s signing of the contract, are merely mechanisms to maintain a woman’s plausible deniability and that of the female audience.
The author herself, given her poor writing abilities, was probably unaware of the purpose of these devices. When reading the book or watching the film, which I saw today, women can live this plausible deniability vicariously through Anastasia.
If you were going to see the film before reading this, still go see it. And if you did not plan to go see it, change your fucking mind and go. Some of the scenes will be unbearably corny and the teeth-grinding dialogue will repel you, but you will witness a perfect encapsulation of the female sexual drive. Even in the dark, pay heed to any noises from the mostly female crowd.
Perhaps in the corner of your eye you’ll catch the illuminated faces of some women. Soak in the rapt attention they give to the spectacle before them. Before and after the screening, notice the excitement of groups of women, the emotions they express and the completely different vibe they give off. For them, this is no regular film and they’ll be treating it, irrespective of whether they’re not dressed up, as a festive occasion. This is their psychology and fantasies they are paying to see.
Most potently, when you pay to watch this film, as the women are, you are paying to watch patriarchy in action. The film may be set in “our time” but the world that Anastasia must make herself enter represents her deep-seated patriarchal dreams and cravings. And that forms a mirror reflecting the primal desires of all normal women.
Fifty Shades of Grey doesn’t just incapacitate feminism. It ties it up, flogs it, and chokes it unconscious.
Read More: How Male Dominance Creates Better Sex
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