Two days. That’s how long it took for our article The 5 Easiest Clubs In The World To Get Laid to go viral in Finland, home of the number one easiest club, Milliklub. Here’s a sample of the coverage:
- Täältä lohkeaa helpoiten â helsinkiläisyökerho kyseenalaisen listan paalupaikalle!
- Näistä maailman baareista heruu helpoiten – ykkösenä suomalaisravintola
- Bloggari väittää: Helsingin Milliklubi on maailman paras pokauspaikka
Our article was blogged and tweeted extensively in Finland, with Facebook being the biggest traffic source. Here’s what our Finnish man on the ground had to say:
It has been referenced at least a few major Finnish radio stations, the second largest newspaper in Finland, a TV station etc.
The marketing manger of Millklub gave a prepared statement:
Phones have been ringing and the Facebook and chat have been filled with people asking about the listing. It would be really enjoyable to laugh to the listing with the buddies but it offends our female customers. The same women who visit our Club also visit other clubs. We do not want anyone to be offended by the listing.
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Allow us to translate his statement…
- “…but it offends our female customers” = Finnish women are easy.
- “The same women who visit our Club also visit other clubs.” = Finnish women are easy everywhere, not just our club
- “We do not want anyone to be offended by the listing.” = Everyone got laid this weekend because Finnish women are easy.
All kidding aside, it was a big traffic bump that beat our ugliest feminist surge…
And what’s great is we got absolutely zero hate. Respect to Finnish people, who while somewhat androgynous, have a great sense of humor. Kiitos!
Don’t Miss:Â 9 Things Every Guy Should Know About Finland (And Its Girls)
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