On the 25th of July a True Finn’s Member of Parliament, Olli Immonen, released a Facebook update where he openly declares to be against a multicultural Finland. The text was posted in English and it is included below in its original form:
I’m dreaming of a strong, brave nation that will defeat this nightmare called multiculturalism. This ugly bubble that our enemies live in, will soon enough burst into a million little pieces. Our lives are entwined in a very harsh times. These are the days, that will forever leave a mark on our nations future. I have strong belief in my fellow fighters. We will fight until the end for our homeland and one true Finnish nation. The victory will be ours.
Needless to say, there was a quick reaction from Finnish politicians and media. Even the Swedish media picked up on the story. The first to the fight was Finland Swedish professor Kimmo Grönlund from Åbo Academy, who stated that the Facebook post was a “call to violence” and unless the True Finns party takes action against Mr. Immonen and remove him from the Finnish parliament they are condoning racist thinking.
Mr. Immonen responded by stating that he “won’t go back an inch” on what he has stated. Furthermore, he released a second Facebook update to rebuke Professor Grönlund’s respons. I have freely translated his response below:
The Swedish speaking professor Grönlund has completely lost his temper after my yesterday’s Facebook update. The multiculturalist Grönlund ought to take a breather before releasing press statements. To Grönlund, I say that Finland is not like Sweden where nationalist minded political parties are isolated and forced to kick out their members for offending the Green-Leftist elite’s multicultural world view. I will not go back an inch from my defense of a nationalistic Finland. If Grönlund wants a limited freedom of speech and the persecution of those who disagree politically with him, he could move for example, to Sweden. But first, he must resign.
More or less everyone in Finnish politics has attacked Mr. Immonen for his views, starting from the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. There is one notable exception: Mr. Jussi Halla-aho, a True Finns party’s Member of European Parliament, who stated that he would like to clarify that he is also against the ugly bubble of multiculturalism and against multiculturalism in general.
He also questions why it is newsworthy that someone from the True Finns party is against multiculturalism, as the party has always had similar views. Halla-aho added as a final remark that he does not share Mr. Immonen’s optimism that the bubble will burst before it has ruined European societies.
Meanwhile in Sweden
The Swedish press quickly reacted and Svenska Dagbladet responded by writing a news article that claims that the True Finns party “grows hate speech.” Nobody can be surprised that the Swedish media would rush first to condemn the statement by Mr. Immonen, as Sweden is by far the most caught up in the dream of multiculturalism of all the Nordic states.
Coincidentally, the beautiful fruit of multiculturalism yields was again visible as on the 26th of July, when another hand grenade exploded and shook the immigrant rich area of Malmö during the early hours of the morning. This explosion was the latest in a series of similar events.
On Tuesday the 21st of July, a similar explosion, also caused by a hand grenade injured one person. Evidently, the Swedish authorities believe that these explosions are revenge for the sentencing of “three young men,” words most frequently used in the PC press to mean immigrants, for a bomb strike that occurred on Christmas Eve in Rosengård, Malmö.
The situation in Finland grows more difficult—on the one hand Finns do not want to duck in fear of hand grenades on Christmas Eve, but also, nobody wants violence based on racial prejudices. The crux of the issue with multiculturalism in Finland is that the problems related to it are not yet so widespread as to require overly drastic action, as reversing the situation in Sweden would now require.
The author believes that having a civilized discussion, and subsequent policy changes could solve the issues related to multiculturalism in Finland, however, this will not occur if the current persecution of those voicing their views against multiculturalism continues.
This may in turn eventually lead to what John F. Kennedy very aptly described in his statement: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”
Read More: A Brief Introduction To The Country Formally Known As Sweden
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