Linkage #1: I imagine Tacomaster has already received more than his fill of advice by now, but after I gave my own response I asked Cane Caldo if he would be willing to offer his thoughts as well. Cane has an eloquence when describing sex in Christian marriage which I find very moving, such as this quote:
For the loving husband and wife that flow of love can only (and blessedly!) spill over the brim of our cups into each other’s. It’s not trouble, it’s not fantasy, and it’s certainly not just you. I have learned to loathe even the specter of “naughtiness” to be brought into discussions of the Christian sex. It is holy, and holy means dark and secret to those outside.
You can find more like this from Cane in his excellent post titled: Tacomaster Desires Steadfast Love
Linkage #2: Grerp is back, and I’ve reactivated the link on the blogroll. I was going to leave a comment but Ecclesiastes already said it and I failed in my attempt to prove that I’m not a robot.
Linkage #3: The Social Pathologist continues the discussion of the Feminine Imperative with his post: Marx and the Feminine Imperative.
Linkage #4: Captain Capitalism has a new book out, Enjoy the Decline.
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