First they came for the bald man.

Following the violence in Charlottesville last month, NBC News asked What is Antifa?  What Is ‘Antifa’? Meet the Fascist-Fighting Coalition Dubbed the ‘Alt-Left’ by President:

They relish in punching Nazis. They protest in all black. And they’ve vowed to physically confront racists and extremists across the country.

But who exactly are the protesters that violently clashed with white nationalists in Charlottesville, Virginia?

NBC brought in Dana Fisher to explain that Antifa is a violent reaction to Trump’s hateful rhetoric:

Dana R. Fisher, a sociologist who has studied protest movements in the United States for decades, said she’s come to view Antifa protesters as a militant response to the rise in visibility of white nationalist organizations since Trump’s election.

“Violence begets violence,” she said. “One of these groups is coming out with this violent message of hate, and the other has responded with a violent, reactive message.”

But as the NBC article hints at, Antifa has a long history of using violence to silence anyone they disagree with.  They are very much like Mao’s Red Guards, running amok with tacit government approval.

One of Antifa’s cherished symbols is a bloody picture of a black man kicking a white man in the head.  The caption reads “Good night white pride”.  The Tumblr site Antifa International explains the origin of the symbol.

May 9, 1998: The KKK, decide to hold a rally in Ann Arbor, MIchigan despite having their asses handed to them there two years earlier. The Ann Arbor city council obliges them, spending $137,000 of taxpayer money to accommodate their hatefest in the middle of town.

Anti-Racist Action, the Revolutionary Workers’ League, and the National Women’s Rights Organizing Committee all mobilize to confront the KKKlowns.

This photo of Harlon Jones, an Ann Arbor anti-racist showing a racist scumbag some Michigan hospitality, is legendary and is where the Good Night White Pride logo comes from.

The article closes explaining that Antifa learned a critical lesson from the incident.  They learned that their role as a violent political militia was endorsed by the state (emphasis original):

The lessons of Ann Arbor on May 9, 1998 have repeated themselves in the years since: people standing together can take their streets back from racist scum; city officials and police are happy to spend tax dollars protecting racists and persecuting anti-racists; and most importantly, fighting hate is not a crime!

Antifa International offers more of the back-story in Good Night White Pride! An interview with Harlon Jones.  Jones describes the moments leading up to him kicking the white man in the head.  Jones was frustrated that the group he was with was merely chanting anti racist slogans.  He wanted action, and he soon found his opportunity:

People are standing around. And I’m like “where’s the action?” And people are trying to figure out where the KKK are at.

Then all of a sudden, I saw people running in the other direction, so I ran that way and there’s like five people chasing the guy you see in the picture, his friend, and one of their girlfriends. One of them had been approached and asked if they were KKK and he said yes. So we were kinda chasing them and the smaller guy and his girl got away but the other, bigger guy – it just felt like everybody backed up for one millisecond and I just came in and kicked him.

Notice that at best he heard a rumor that the white man he kicked supported the KKK.  But given his description of how quickly it all unfolded, even this seems incredibly unlikely.

Yet this wasn’t the end of Jone’s action for the day.  It wasn’t even the highlight of his day, which was when police ran away after the Antifa mob started throwing rocks at them:

But to me that was a small incidental part of the day…

…There was a rock garden across the street. Everybody just went over there and grabbed rocks and hurled them at the cops. It was the best scene I’ve ever seen in my life – the cops retreating! I swear to God, I’ve never seen anything more fulfilling than the cops running away like that.

The next day, the photo of Jones kicking the white man in the head was on the cover of the local newspaper.  Jones was at first afraid he would be arrested, as the local police knew who he was.  But Jones explains that the police he had thrown rocks at the day before had no interest in arresting him:

..all the police used to come in the store every day and they all knew me.  They knew that was me, everyone knew it was me!  And the crazy part about that was that they were so scared to prosecute me and have all this negative press on the university itself, they didn’t even pursue me.  Not at all.

AI: That’s weird, because the cops went after people pretty hard after the fact.

HJ: But they saw me on a daily basis and didn’t pursue me.  You gotta understand, at the time the university had a real problem with race relations and I feel like arresting me was a war they didn’t want to fight.  I was literally the easiest person to find and they did nothing.

Part of the reason Antifa is given free rein to “punch nazis” is because they are an arm of the left, and therefore the left has no interest in stifling them.  NBC News brought in Professor Mark Bray to explain why Antifa and their long history of functioning as a political militia is ethical.  Bray explained that the important thing is that Antifa doesn’t shut down Democratic party affiliated groups. From Antifa Violence Is Ethical? This Author Explains Why:

If you establish that so-called fascist speech is illegitimate, then who decides who will be targeted as fascist? Can’t it lead more mainstream politics to end up being targeted?

…there is a certain political lens that — agree or disagree with the lens — there is an element of continuity in terms of the types of groups targeted. I don’t know of any Democratic party events that have been ‘no platformed’ (shut down) by anti-fascists. So there is a political lens, people will quibble about what the lens is, who designs the lens, but I don’t think the slippery slope is actually, in practice, nearly as much of a concern as people imagine it would be.

But the other reason Antifa has been given free rein is that despite the constant propaganda, the right has no sympathy for Klansman and Nazis, or anyone merely accused of being one.  The man Jones kicked:

  1. Was white.
  2. Had a suspicious haircut.
  3. Was rumored to be a Klansman.
  4. Was being chased by the mob.

This was enough for Jones, and moreover enough for everyone else.  The right and the police looked the other way and the left celebrated him as a hero:

AI: How did other people react to the photo?

I mean, everybody loves me, you know?  To this day, I have friends that are so proud of that whole situation that they have me come over and tell the story to their kids at dinner, just so they know that they don’t have to be scared to go out there and do something.

Punch a nazi!  Hey, you kind of look like a nazi…

The problem for the right is that looking like a nazi is a very flexible standard, and the left is using a very old tactic of dehumanizing their adversaries to justify a wide range of political persecution.  It isn’t just bald white men in the proximity of a Klan rally that have to worry.  To Antifa, Trump supporters look like nazis.  To Charlie Hebdo, the people of Houston look like nazis.

“God Exists! He Drowned All the Neo-Nazis of Texas,” the weekly mag’s cover screams.

An illustration of half-submerged swastika flags and arms giving the Nazi salute accompanies the headline.

This standard is so flexible that literally anyone can now be labeled a nazi, and therefore the subject of the pogrom.  Houston has a black mayor, but since the left hates the way Texans think on a number of issues they are deemed nazis.  When the citizens of Houston suffer and die, the left praises God!

Social Justice Warrior technology companies are also joining in on the pogrom.  Just this week Google successfully pressured The Liberty Conservative to remove an article Google disagreed with (H/T Vox):

Despite this necessary surrender, The Liberty Conservative writer remained optimistic. “We look forward to the day where rival ad platforms who respect the intellectual freedom of their customers can outcompete Google, but those days have not arrived yet,” he wrote. “These tech companies have us all by the short hairs, and post-Charlottesville, they are all working in unison to enforce the Orwellian nightmare. Nobody is safe.”

This is all part of a coordinated attack from the left on everyone they deem not sufficiently enthusiastic with the party line.  Antifa, Google, and Charlie Hebdo are not alone.  They are part of a massive machine.  Groups like SLPC are contributing by publishing lists of enemies that need to be taught a lesson, and organizations like CNN and GuideStar then get the word out:

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a cash cow that uses its coffers to slander mainstream conservative and Christian organizations as “hate groups.” The SPLC began by tracking real hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan and black nationalist groups, but later it added mainstream groups to its list.

CNN broadcast the SPLC’s “hate map” on its website and Twitter account this month (with the FRC still marked on the map). In June, the charity navigation website GuideStar adopted the SPLC “hate group” list, marking each profile of the targeted organizations as a “hate group.” ABC and NBC parroted the SPLC’s “hate group” label against Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) last month.

Punishing the wicked.

This is a religious war to the left, and anyone who isn’t radical enough is wicked, and needs to be punished:

First they came for Daily Stormer. Then they came for The Liberty Conservative. Then they came for the Family Research Council. LGBT activists speak openly about “punishing the wicked,” by which they mean anyone who refuses to take part in a same-sex wedding.


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