Fragile femininity and our masculinity crisis.

Conservatives frequently complain about a masculinity crisis among younger generations of men, but while feminists probably are succeeding somewhat in their efforts to feminize young men, their primary success has been in making women less feminine (H/T Vox Day):

The Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI) is one of Sandra Bem’s most notable contributions to feminist psychology, measuring an individual’s identification with traditionally masculine and feminine qualities. In a cross-temporal meta-analysis of U.S. college students’ scores on the BSRI (34 samples, N = 8,027), we examined changes in ratings on the Bem masculinity (M) and femininity (F) scales since the early 1990s. Additional analyses used data collected in a previous meta-analysis (Twenge 1997) to document changes since the BSRI’s inception in 1974. Our results reveal that women’s femininity scores have decreased significantly (d = −.26) between 1993 and 2012, whereas their masculinity remained stable.

Feminists cry crocodile tears over “fragile masculinity”, but it turns out that masculinity is surprisingly resilient.  In their consuming envy of men, feminists have tried to eradicate the very idea of noble manhood.  This is an assault on our collective imaginations, and spans everything from our military to entertainment.  While men of my generation grew up with tales of a young man on a heroes’ quest in movies like Star Wars, feminists have succeeded in replacing Luke Skywalker with a woman.  Where the masculine hero can’t be replaced outright, he must be otherwise neutered by a strong independent woman.  I’ve recently shared examples of this with The Battle for Christmas Morning:

And the Ratchet and Clank movie:

This weekend Nickelodeon aired a three part series about two boys saving the day titled Lost in the West:

Best bros Chip and Dave saddle up for a whirlwind adventure when Chip’s latest invention accidentally transports them back in time to the Wild West! Not only will they have to save their hometown, they’ve also got to make it back to the present in time for the Homecoming Dance!

But because feminists are so completely consumed with envy, the hero’s quest must always be modified to sooth their fragile femininity.

Despite all of this being done entirely out in the open, our conservatives can’t bring themselves to see what is going on.  When faced with a generation of hyper masculinized young women all they can see is “normal” women surrounded by weak men screwing feminism up.  Calling out the bad behavior of women is hard, so herculean efforts are made to pretend that feminists have not been wildly successful in transforming young women.  This is why the men of the CBMW live in a fantasy world where men are forcing women to go into combat in their place, all the while cheering on the moxie of the latest female action hero.  While feminists were crowing about their victory in turning Star Wars into a piece of feminist propaganda:

Finally we have our female Luke Skywalker – an orphaned scavenger girl alone on the desert of Jakku.

The president of the CBMW went to the same movie and not only didn’t notice the feminist propaganda, he found the feminist message inspiring:

The forest battle between Ren and Rey (Ren’s lightsaber was very cool)…

I liked how Rey showed steel as she discovered the power to use the force.

We are without a doubt in the grips of a masculinity crisis, but it isn’t in young men.  Young men in fact have proven themselves remarkably resilient in the face of mass attempts to demoralize their manhood.  The true masculinity crisis is with the older men who stand by while feminists wage war on the masculinity of young men, too afraid to stand up and protect the culture.  Let us hope that the resilience today’s young men are showing remains with them as they grow older.  If they keep this resilience, hopefully we will one day have a generation of middle age and older men with the courage to stand up to feminism and set an example of courageous masculinity for the young men who follow.


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