Send in the feds! A group of frat boys have been insensitive to women! From the Yale Daily News:
The University is under investigation by the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights for possible violation of Title IX stemming from an alleged mishandling of several instances of sexual misconduct in recent years.
It must be pretty bad to get the feds involved, right?
…public episodes of sexual misconduct on campus, such as the controversial Delta Kappa Epsilon chanting incident on Old Campus last fall.
Oh no! Not the dreaded Delta Kappa Epsilon chanting incident! This is serious!
Wait, er what was the Delta Kappa Epsilon chanting incident again?
a group of DKE pledges chanted misogynist slogans such as “No means yes, yes means anal” on Old Campus in October, provoking campus outrage
Before you scoff, this isn’t the only instance of frat boys acting with less than total respect towards women. There was another case of insensitivity two years ago, and yet another three years ago:
…a group of Zeta Psi pledges were photographed outside the Women’s Center holding up a sign that read “We Love Yale Sluts.”
[There was also the case of the] “Preseason Scouting Report,” an email circulated among several student panlists that ranked freshman women according to attractiveness
Tell me this is an April fools prank, please!
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