Gaia Democratic School Takes Children On Field Trip To Porn Shop

Gaia Democratic School Takes Children On Field Trip To Porn Shop

In the latest episode in an ever-expanding string of brave liberal firsts, Gaia Democratic School took 11-13 year olds on a field trip to the sex shop “Smitten Kitten” – without informing the parents beforehand.

Director Starri Hedges says, “What I saw happening on our trip, I thought it was beautiful because kids could talk to these sex educators without any shame, without any fear.”

Gaia Democratic School Takes Children On Field Trip To Porn Shop

Just imagine what the parents must have thought upon hearing that they had paid their taxes to send someone else’s child to public school, and had paid Gaia Democratic School thousands on top of that so that their 11-year-old daughter could come home with a fistful of condoms and a cellphone picture of a two-foot strap-on dildo.

And while parent Lynn Floyd called the field trip a “major breach of trust,” and said, “You just can’t erase those memories,” there are probably a handful of parents who thought it was a great educational experience. After all, they did send their children to the first “Democratic School” in the nation.

Gaia Democratic School Takes Children On Field Trip To Porn Shop

Starri Hedges says her school encourages freedom and freethinking, and that “Even our kindergartners are leaders.” As in grooming the children to be the next generation of thought police? Did not Lenin say:

Gaia Democratic School Takes Children On Field Trip To Porn Shop

God forbid this becomes a trend and all the well-to-do liberals send their children to schools of this sort to learn how to “think freely.” If four years of college can turn kids into Marxists, what will happen if they start their indoctrination in kindergarten?

Above the law

Minneapolis city code prevents children under 18 from being exposed to:

“sexually provocative written, photographic, printed, sound, or published materials deemed harmful to minors.”

So technically this field trip was illegal in addition to being unethical. Good luck getting the Cathedral to crack down one of it’s own, so the most the director will have to pay is a feeble apology to the parents. But an apology must be meant sincerely for it to mean anything, and Starri Hedges said this was the “first time we have taken that kind of field trip and it will probably be our last,” which she felt bad about, “because the kids had so much fun.”

Of course they did. They’re at the age where they’re starting to rebel against society and this woman showed them all the freaky stuff they just began thinking about while masturbating in the shower for the first time.

In case you are wondering what the school was thinking, they provide their philosophy on their website:

“Gaia is a private school that provides holistic educational services to students K-12 with emphasis on democratic process, individualized instruction, academic freedom, self-motivation, cooperative learning, youth empowerment, and environmental stewardship. We are part of an education movement that has a long, fascinating history and a vibrant, viable future.”

The educational movement Gaia Democratic School belongs to does have a “fascinating history,” namely failure, cost overrun, indoctrination, revised history, school shootings, drugging boys, and turning girls into monsters. I’m also sure that most of these kids will go out and practice “environmental stewardship” with their own hands by driving a Prius to work.

Notice that the philosophy mentions that students will be there K-12. It’s been said that many a liberal spends their entire life without encountering a conservative. If kids can now go straight from mommy’s lap to their college graduation without ever stepping outside the bubble, just imagine what sort of people they will be—probably ones so sensitive that they report their workmates to HR for the most minor of infractions. What other outcome could there be when the most violent game they ever played was Tug of Peace?

Just look at all the winners these kids have to learn from:

Gaia Democratic School Takes Children On Field Trip To Porn Shop

Gaia Democratic School Takes Children On Field Trip To Porn Shop

Drumsticks on the chest, a UFO for a ring, and sunglasses she can’t wear. Classic.

Gaia Democratic School Takes Children On Field Trip To Porn Shop

Is that monkey taking a dump? Poor monkey.

If, on the other hand, you would like your child to receive this kind of education, you can contact Starri Hedges yourself or visit the school’s Facebook page. After all, given their track record of novel educational experiences, what could go wrong?

Read more: Virginia Schoolboard Gives In To SJWs With New “Gender Identity” Policies


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