One of the concerns which I hear with some regularity is why a man would marry only to need to “work” to game his wife. I’m not an expert on game, so I generally avoid dispensing game advice. There are plenty of other bloggers who are already filling this space, and I don’t feel the need to jump into that arena. I would rather point you to those who really know what they are talking about. With that in mind, I’ll take a shot at answering the basic question. I’m not answering it as a game expert, but as a (greater) beta husband who has been married for 15 years and has only recently started formally learning anything about game.
Unless you have an arranged marriage or she is a conniving massive bitch, she fell in love with you and is attracted to the real you. You don’t need to morph into a super alpha, you just need to avoid morphing into a sniveling beta and maybe dial up your natural alpha just a bit. Unless being a sniveling beta is your natural and preferred state, avoiding that really shouldn’t be something that feels like work. Guys don’t become sniveling betas because they want to or because it is who they are, they do it because they don’t understand and mistakenly listen to all of the messages of our feminized culture.
The foundation for her commitment to your marriage shouldn’t be your game. If she is only one, or a few, or even 50 failed shit tests away from walking away from her sacred vow and/or whoring around, then she isn’t a wife, she is a whore. Don’t marry a whore*. Game should be about making you and your wife happier with your marriage, not about putting the sole onus for the success of the marriage on you.
Being a man is fun. Enjoy it. Then she can enjoy you being a man too.
Part of game is about understanding what makes you an attractive man. Appreciate yourself (without getting a big head). Being able to appreciate yourself will also allow you to appreciate what is great about your wife without becoming a sniveling beta.
Chances are a lot of game already comes naturally to you. Even as a beta I realize that I have been doing much of what game would teach without really thinking about it. As she has learned more about game, my wife has commented on this multiple times: Wait, you have always done that. and So that is why I like it when you do that. and Hey, you just did it (used game) didn’t you? [Yeah, I guess I did.]
Hawaiian Libertarian describes game as being cocky funny. You call that work? Seriously? I was born a smart ass. Bring it on.
Shit happens, and shit tests happen. It isn’t as if you are free from shit tests until you get married and then all of a sudden have to deal with them. The only way you can avoid them is to avoid women and girls. And even then maybe not with our feminized culture. As with every other unavoidable aspect of life, you may as well learn how to handle them.
Her shit tests are her problem, not yours. As a loving husband you want to help her with her problems, but don’t assign yourself responsibility for them.
Shit tests are an opportunity. Pass them and good things are coming your way. And even if they don’t come immediately, passing them is still more pleasant (for both of you) than failing them.
As you get better at handling shit tests, you should get fewer and fewer of them.
*If either of you struggle with the idea of judging men or women who cheat or walk away from their marriage without a legitimate cause, don’t marry.
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